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Goffman Socially Constructed

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Within this essay, one will be exploring how and why sociologists explore the social construction of everyday life and how humans construct the social world despite it seeming independent from them. Goffman's theories and explanations of this will be presented and explored with the usage of contextual examples. Furthermore, reasons for why sociologist advocates qualitative and ethnographic methods will be mentioned, strengthened by examples of Micro sociologist Trotter and Thorne.

One can define social construction as “ the process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction”. Human beings negotiate reality by attaching meaning and order to objects and situations along with formulating a range of different “presentations” of self within different contexts. Subsequently, these situations help define the world we …show more content…
Goffman was a 20th-century sociologist from Canada who was “concerned what people did in the presence of others” at interaction rituals. He mentions that one has different selves within different contexts and situations. One’s self is hence not part of one's personality, but rather a performance one puts on. Goffman's famously said, “ the truth in the world is a wedding “(Goffmann, 2006) – meaning the most basic routines, contexts and objects have ritualistic elements attached to them. Human beings essentially “perform” or “act” in their everyday lives similar to that which an actor would do in a theatrical performance. One has costumes (clothes) by which one contracts one's own image, Props (materialistic items) by which one can communicate one's status or presentation of self, A stage (setting) where one alters one's behavior and presentation depending on the context and location, and lastly, one uses manner (gestures) to convey emotions such as confidence, sadness, anger. One directs one's own life as if it was on a theatrical

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