...The Role of Social Support in Coping with HIV/AIDS The topic of HIV/AIDS is particularly relevant in a South African context due to the rate of infection in this country, as well as the government’s stance on HIV/AIDS policy. South has Africa has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world. The Mbeki regime’s policy has only recently been changed to increase the availability of antiretrovirals to those infected. While these antiretrovirals may be used to treat the virus itself, they are ineffective in dealing with the stressors associated with the virus. Indeed, it can be argued that environmental factors, specifically social support, have the greatest positive influence in this regard. This essay will consider whether this is the case by examining the role of social support in dealing with the HIV/AIDS diagnosis, related health decline and infections and the prejudice and stigma attached to said diagnosis. In order to do this, one must first examine the definition of social support. Thoits (1995) as cited in Mizuno, Purcell, Dawson-Rose, Parsons & The Sudis Team (2003 p.690) defines social support as “instrumental, emotional or informational assistance from significant others” and goes on to find social support “one of the major coping resources for people experiencing stressful life events or chronic strains.” “Significant others” is generally understood to mean partners, friends and family, but could also refer to traditional caregivers in a hospital environment. Friedland...
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...THE CHORES TIME-TABLE CHORES TIMES MONDAY TUESDAY WENSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:45 MOM-takes out dust bin MOM-takes out dust bin MOM-takes out dust bin MOM-takes out dust bin MOM-takes out dust bin MOM-takes out dust bin MOM-takes out dust bin 6:00-6:30 Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal Mom wakes everyone up and makes cereal 7:00-7:30 Zolisa waters the garden Zolisa waters the garden Zolisa waters the garden Zolisa waters the garden Zolisa waters the garden Zolisa waters the garden Zolisa waters the garden 8:00-10:00 Nozodwa sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom Nozodwa sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom Nozodwa sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom Xolisa-sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom Nozodwa sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom Mawande-sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom Nozodwa sweeps, mops and cleans bathroom 13:00-14:00 Each individual makes own breakfast Each individual makes own breakfast Each individual makes own breakfast Each individual makes own breakfast Each individual makes own breakfast Each individual makes own breakfast Each individual makes own breakfast 15:00-16:30 Mawande-Preparing supper Xolisa-Preparing supper Mawande-Preparing supper Mawande-Preparing supper Xolisa-Preparing supper Mom-Preparing supper Mom-Preparing supper 17:30-18:00 Zolisa...
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...Social Anthropology Observations Chesney Ward- Smith Site D, Leslie Social Basic setting from the top stairs looking down- to my direct left there is a large tree as well as a parking lot which is semi- full. Further down on my left is a large concrete, grey building known as the Geographical Sciences building. It has about ten stories. This building is covered with ivy which has variants of greens, browns and reds in contrast with the grey concrete. In front of me are also four different coloured bins for recycling. They are red, blue, green and yellow. To my right is another concrete building, known as the Leslie Social building. It has five stories. There are glass doors which make it accessible from the side. To my immediate right, there is a small, round, little hut which is a cafe known as Bananazen. On the outside of it there are various pictures of fresh fruit. There are also many green, six- seater tables outside of the cafe which are covered by large white umbrellas. Looking straight ahead and down there are multiple levels of grey concrete stairs leading down to the avenue. There are also more tables. Overhead there are many concrete beams connecting the two buildings. They are literally joined together. These are very angular and run diagonally across the buildings. Observing with all my senses in detail Sight- This is a place of passing by and much human traffic in between lectures. During these times there are lines of people walking hurriedly to and from...
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...Influence of Social Factors on the Course of HIV/AIDS An estimated 34.2 million people are infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) worldwide (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/statistics.html). Currently there is no cure for HIV or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS); however, a combination of medication and good mental health may treat the disease (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/hivaids/understanding/treatment/pages/default.aspx; http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/staying-healthy-with-hiv-aids/taking-care-of-yourself/mental-health/). Most of the individuals who are infected with HIV/AIDS experience depression and an increase in life stressors. However, positive social support and disclosure of HIV/AIDS status decreases stress, leading to better mental health (Hays, Turner, & Coates, 1992; Turner-Cobb et al., 2002). The major at-risk groups for HIV/AIDS are adolescents, gays, bisexuals, injected drug users, and minority women (Taylor & Sirois, 2011). In this paper, the influence of social factors on the course of HIV/AIDS is investigated. It is hypothesized that the influence of social support, such as emotional (receiving emotional comfort), informational (receiving information or advice on personal issues), and practical (counting on others for help) on mental health will mitigate the course and experience of HIV. Five empirical studies are explored in an attempt to demonstrate and support the hypothesis. In a research article by Hay, Turner and...
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...10 Combination HIV Prevention: Tailoring and Coordinating Biomedical, Behavioural and Structural Strategies to Reduce New HIV Infections A UNAIDS Discussion Paper UNAIDS – JC2007 (English original, September 2010) © Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2010. All rights reserved. Publications produced by UNAIDS can be obtained from the UNAIDS Content Management Team. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate UNAIDS publications—whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution— should also be addressed to the Content Management Team at the address below, or by fax, at +41 22 791 4835, or e-mail: publicationpermissions@unaids.org. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNAIDS concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by UNAIDS in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by UNAIDS to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any...
Words: 15099 - Pages: 61
...The Role of Social Support in Coping with HIV/AIDS The topic of HIV/AIDS is particularly relevant in a South African context due to the rate of infection in this country, as well as the government’s stance on HIV/AIDS policy. South has Africa has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world. The Mbeki regime’s policy has only recently been changed to increase the availability of antiretrovirals to those infected. While these antiretrovirals may be used to treat the virus itself, they are ineffective in dealing with the stressors associated with the virus. Indeed, it can be argued that environmental factors, specifically social support, have the greatest positive influence in this regard. This essay will consider whether this is the case by examining the role of social support in dealing with the HIV/AIDS diagnosis, related health decline and infections and the prejudice and stigma attached to said diagnosis. In order to do this, one must first examine the definition of social support. Thoits (1995) as cited in Mizuno, Purcell, Dawson-Rose, Parsons & The Sudis Team (2003 p.690) defines social support as “instrumental, emotional or informational assistance from significant others” and goes on to find social support “one of the major coping resources for people experiencing stressful life events or chronic strains.” “Significant others” is generally understood to mean partners, friends and family, but could also refer to traditional caregivers in a hospital environment. Friedland...
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...Issues Confronting ‘Them’ (People with HIV/AIDS) The issues confronting ‘them’—a metaphor society uses to refer to people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is not only a physical health crisis but also a social crisis that has and continues to affect every sector of the United States. Accompanying the disease is an acute fear in society that fosters gross assumptions and a lack of education about AIDS. . Because social issues confronting the HIV population presents a series of critical civil rights problems, it is imperative that individuals living with HIV/AIDS are aware of their civil rights as well as know the resources to advocate for themselves when a provider threatens their rights. National legal organizations, like the ACLU AIDS Project is available to enforce their civil rights through litigation, public education, and legislative advocacy (America Civil Liberties Union, 2009). The main social iniquities attached to HIV are those of stigma and discrimination. Social stigmatism toward persons with HIV/AIDS is an infliction of suffering, which thwarts any attempts to fight the AIDS epidemic. Stigma, as a form of social control is a means to marginalize, set limitations, and exercise power over individuals who society considers different through certain characteristics. Social stigma rejects the social groups associated with HIV, (e.g. homosexuals, illegal drug users, sex workers (Bardj, 2012)...
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... The Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS Issues and Answers Willo Pequegnat National Institute of Mental Health José Szapocznik University of Miami A lthough the role of families in caring for its sick members is as old as hu mankind, only and health professionals,in recent years have researchers, family practitioners recognized the important role of the family in disease pre vention and health promotion (Anderson & Bury, 1988 ; Cohen & Wills, 1985; Kazak, 1989) . With enhanced treatments, HIV infection is now becoming a long-term chronic illness affecting hundreds of thousands of families . As a seri ous chronic illness, HIV infection is creating pressure o n health care and social and mental health service providers to design comprehensive systems for fami lies . For each of the more than 688,200 persons in the United States with AIDS, there are parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and friends and partners in the fam ily constellation who are affected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 1998b) . The family is de facto and often de jure caretakers when one of its members is ill or in trouble (Pequegnat & Bray, 1997). AUTHORS' NOTE: The second author was partially supported in writing this chapter by NIMH Grant R37 MH55796 . Requests for further information on this chapter should be sent to Dr. Willo Pequegnat, Associate Director, Primary Prevention, Translational, and International Research, Center for Mental Health...
Words: 10957 - Pages: 44
...Applying Social Network Interventions in Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Review Communication 623 Final Paper Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Health Psychology Seminar at Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania by Qijia Chen May 2014 Instructor: Professor John B. Jemmott, Annenberg School for Communication Abstract The current paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature on social network intervention in HIV prevention among MSM. I performed a systematic literature research in multi-lingual databases and located a relatively exhaustive collection of articles on social network interventions in MSM. There is strong evidence that such interventions are efficacious in generating changes in behavioral and psychological constructs that might lead to risk reduction in HIV infection and transmission. This paper identified several urgent issues in the current state of research development, particularly, a lack of theoretical development, an insufficient numbers of methodologically rigorous studies, and an absence of clear conceptual distinctions and implementary recommendations. The review also proposes potential solutions and suggestions for future research. Introduction Men who have sex with men (MSM) comprise the largest proportion of new HIV infections in the USA (CDC, 2011). Efforts to curtail the incidence of HIV infection require that at-risk individuals adopt effective behavioral changes....
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...Graduate School of Development Studies A Research Paper presented by: Joreen Nkole Mwelwa (ZAMBIA) In partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of MASTERS OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Specialization: Public Policy and Management (PPM) Members of the examining committee: Prof. Dr Michael Grimm (Supervisor) Dr Bridget O’Laughlin (Reader) The Hague, The Netherlands November, 2009 Disclaimer: This document represents part of the author’s study programme while at the Institute of Social Studies. The views stated therein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Institute. Research papers are not made available for circulation outside of the Institute. Inquiries: Postal address: Institute of Social Studies P.O. Box 29776 2502 LT The Hague The Netherlands Location: Kortenaerkade 12 2518 AX The Hague The Netherlands Telephone: +31 70 426 0460 Fax: +31 70 426 0799 Acknowledgements I give my sincere gratitude to Jehovah God for his love and care throughout my life and the fifteen months I have been here. With much honour I sincerely thank my Supervisor, Prof M.Grimm, truth be told it was a blessing to have a supervisor like him, I am short of words to describe him, I would simply say he has been...
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...HIV/AIDS social and behavioural research: past advances and thoughts about the future Authors: J P Moatti, Y Souteyrand Journal: Social Science [?] Medicine This paper is an introduction to the various contributions in this special issue of Social Science & Medicine which are an attempt to synthesise the main debates of the 2nd European Conference on Social and Behavioural Research on AIDS held in Paris, in January 1998. The paper discusses how the recent advent of highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) and new trends in the epidemic (its concentration in the socially most vulnerable groups and countries) have affected the research agenda of European social and behavioural sciences (SBS) in HIV/AIDS. Questions which had already been thoroughly studied by SBS (like determinants of HIV-related risk behaviours, or impact of gender and socio-economic inequities as well as discrimination on the diffusion of HIV) will have to be "revisited" in light of these recent changes. New issues (such as risk behaviours among already infected patients. impact of therapeutic advances on psychosocial and daily life management of their disease by people living with HIV/AIDS, adherence to treatment, or "normalisation" of AIDS public policies) will have to be strongly and quickly dealt with, in order for SSB to keep the pace with the rapid evolution of the epidemic and of the societal responses to it. Finally, the paper argues that to face these challenges, new theoretical and methodological...
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...| Disparity of Healthcare for AIDS/HIV Patients | Lana Iris English 12312/15/14 | Disparity of Healthcare with Patients with AIDS/HIV For the last thirty years AIDS/HIV has been a controversial topic, but more recently, the disease itself has not been controversial but the disparity in receiving proper care both in prevention modalities and active treatment for the disease. While the Obama administration has taken steps toward the elimination of these disparities through the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and Implementation Plan, there is still much work to be done. This brief highlights underexplored explanations for these disparities and outlines possible solutions to begin addressing them. Oftentimes, popular culture has offered unfortunately erroneous explanations for the stark racial disparate impact of HIV/ AIDS. The mass media, for example, has suggested that black men “on the down low” infect black women by secretly sleeping with male partners, acting as a bisexual “bridge” between gay and straight communities. But public health scholars have found little support for this theory. Many may assume that black people suffer from greater HIV prevalence because they are considered less sexually responsible than whites. Yet several studies have shown that black women and black men who have sex with men—the two groups most severely impacted by HIV/AIDS—have similar numbers of sexual partners and use condoms as often as their white counterparts. Thus, behavioral risk factors...
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...Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2004, pp. 747-767 REASONS FOR HIV DISCLOSURE DERLEGA ET AL. REASONS FOR HIV DISCLOSURE/NONDISCLOSURE IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS: TESTING A MODEL OF HIV–DISCLOSURE DECISION MAKING VALERIAN J. DERLEGA AND BARBARA A. WINSTEAD Old Dominion University KATHRYN GREENE Rutgers University JULIANNE SEROVICH Ohio State University WILLIAM N. ELWOOD Center for Public Health and Evaluation Research This research examined the relative importance of reasons for HIV disclosure/nondisclosure with a friend, intimate partner, and parents. Participants were 145 men and women with HIV. Overall, catharsis, a will to duty/educate, and having a close/supportive relationship were endorsed as reasons that influence HIV disclosure. Privacy, self–blame, fear of rejection, and protecting the other were endorsed as reasons that influence nondisclosure. Both men and women endorsed testing the other’s reaction as a reason for disclosing more for an intimate partner, whereas they endorsed privacy more as a reason for not disclosing to a friend. Men (mostly self–identified as homosexuals or bisexuals), but not women (mostly self–identified as heterosexuals), endorsed similarity as a reason for disclosing more to a friend or intimate partner than to a parent. The results are consistent with a Model of HIV–Disclosure Decision Making that indicates how cultural attitudes This research is partly supported by a research grant (#R01DA13145–01A1) from the...
Words: 8661 - Pages: 35
...affects physical healthy, but also causes psychological and social problems because of stigma and discrimination. These challenges present many discussions and dilemmas for HIV positive expectant mothers, which involve complex emotional and psychological issues. The aim of the study was to examine the psycho-social challenges to HIV positive expectant mothers. To undertake the literature review, are search was designed. Sources included databases (Kleb of science, Scopus, ProQuest and PubMed) as well as electronic journals (AIDS and behavior, AIDS Care and social sciences and medicine). The following search was conducted from July, August, September, and October 2014. The result shows that HIV positive mothers face such; kill/deliver a live baby? Kill/breast feed the baby and that if not where will I get the money for milk? Despite the importance of HIV and its public health impact, few studies have considered the psychosocial challenges and that greater support would be of benefit to face them in an affecting way. Therefore, the results of this review highlights the requirements to develop instructions to support the psychosocial challenges to HIV positive expectant mothers, to accurately reflect the views and challenges of the target users. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The study is undertaken as part of the research described below. As mentioned, the goal of the study was to investigate the challenges and effects that HIV positive expectant mothers who participated in the interviews...
Words: 594 - Pages: 3
...Social Problems Chupical Shollah Manuel HIV is a long term social problem in most underdeveloped countries. This takes us directly beyond the epidemiological aspects of the disease to the social and economic dimensions. Many social studies have revealed that HIV and AIDS is fast becoming a social cancer and it can be understood if one was to assess the social structure and the availability of resources in the society. The most affected persons are those who live in the lower strata of the social stratification due to inequalities that comes with social structure. This paper serves to explain that HIV and AIDS is a social problem of poverty and it also looks at other factors such as religion, promiscuity and child rights which also result in the spread of the disease. It is undisputed to say that poverty is implicated in the prevalence in most developing world. Because these countries are generally poor people are normally forced to engage in activities that end up putting them at the risk of HIV. United Nations (2004) revealed that in South Africa more than 6 million people where living with HIV. The paper also revealed that the majority number who were affected were blacks who are generally poor who have no proper housing facilities, mal-nutritional, lack of safe water. Further research has suggested that Botswana and Zimbabwe have high prevalence of the disease due to the poor conditions which prevails in these countries. In Zimbabwe around 2 million people are said to...
Words: 1823 - Pages: 8