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Everything Wrong With Sweatshops Analysis

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Everything Wrong with Sweatshops Who or what is to blame for the decreasing working conditions in developing countries as well as the increase of sweatshop labor. Globalization has been instrumental in many of these country’s development, bringing large corporations from overseas and creating a broader global commodity chain, which has created a greater flow of raw materials as well as flow of information and technology between developing and developed countries. However, globalization has some darker sides too, with sweatshops being at the forefront. This paper will take you into the world of sweat shots and labor standards in an attempt to link the global commodity chain networks with the growing problem of sweatshops and decreasing working …show more content…
An organization must first outline its standards, then they must monitor to make sure that their regulations are being adhered to, and finally they must provide consequences and punishments to the parties that are not compliant (citation). There are also three considerations that must be made when creating labor standards – direct/indirect, public/private, soft/hard. A direct approach makes it easier to monitor these labor conditions, an example would be a union directly representing the workers of a specific corporation. A more indirect approach would be an international governing association like the ILO. The public/private aspect asks whether government should readily get involved. A private approach relies on the social and political consequences while a public approach would result in laws and fines handed down by a governmental agency. A hard vs soft decision is usually made depending on how inept the government would be in controlling the unruly firms. In those cases “soft” standards are created, usually relying on intercompliance among parties that aren’t even binding, while the “hard” approach involves stipulations that are backed by laws and statutes with firm punishment that would be enforced by the

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