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Sussex Healthcare Case Study

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Sussex Healthcare operates a group of care homes in Sussex, UK. They've been providing support services to people in the community for 25 years. During those years, Sussex has received several awards for their outstanding service in the community. The organization recruits kind, warm, friendly people to work with their healthcare organization. The organization provides care to older adults, dementia care, along with personalized care for those with learning and physical disabilities. Recently, Sussex welcome a new CEO, Amanda Morgan-Taylor. The new CEO is heavily involved with recruiting new staff. Therefore, now is a great time to start a career at Sussex Healthcare.

Why Work For Sussex Healthcare
Sussex is an independently owned organization that has a long and outstanding record in the community concerning providing quality care to the people in their care homes. The homes …show more content…
Often, great people do not have the right background for a healthcare career, but Sussex likes to invest in talented and caring people by providing the training and education that they require to perform the task required in their job successfully. Educating and training is only one of the benefits received by starting a career at Sussex.

Other Benefits
True, education and training to perform the job task required is a very rewarding benefit. However, Sussex Healthcare provides several more benefits to consider. For example, they provide new workers with pensions, free uniforms, free transportation, meals, paid breaks, and exceptional opportunity to advance their career.

Current Job Openings
You've heard the good news about Sussex Healthcare now hiring new people to fill their staff openings. Here are a few of the current job openings. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) Dental Receptionist (-- removed HTML

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