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Francis Parkman's Journey To The Oregon Trail

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Francis Parkman was born on September 16, 1823, and died on November 8, 1893. He has written many other books besides the Oregon trail. He was a Horticulturist and taught it as a proffer for some time to. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts and his dad was a minister. Francis had poor health and was sent to live with his grandfather.
In 1846 Francis Parkman and Quincy Shaw traveled to St.louis and then to Kansas up to the Missouri River. Their main goal was to get to the Rocky Mountains that was 500 miles from the river. People usually didn’t want to go to the Rocky Mountains because most people who went in the Rocky Mountains died or couldn’t be found.
Francis and Quincy traveled on a wagon till they got to Westport. Once they arrived at …show more content…
They decided to start on a trail that the British officers had decided on before they met Francis. After tracking on the trail for a few days they found themselves way off track. They got a wagon and rode to the Oregon trail where they would get back on track.
They finally got to the Oregon trail on the twenty-third of May. They met a straggler from a caravan of emigrants. After three weeks of travel, they had Englishman, a small group of emigrants, and his companions traveling with him. They had reached the Platte River but were still four hundred miles away for Fort Laramie. On there way up to the Platte River it had been muddy, full of thunderstorms, and restless nights. There were very little animals to hunt but a few birds.
At Platte, there was a lot of buffalo and it was nicknamed buffalo country. The amount of buffalo they saw shocked them to see so many animals traveling together. They had killed hundreds of buffalo by the time they had finished their journey. After crossing Parkman, Shaw, and their guide went on a killing spree after buffalo. Parkman got lost and away from Shaw and the guides and spent several hours before he found his way back to camp. They finally met the chief of Fort Laramie at the trading station. He was on his way downstream the Platte with skins. The Chief warned Francis and his companions about the Pawnees because that was were Francis was …show more content…
after a few days of travel, they reached Laramie Creek where the Indians would pass. They camped and waited for the Whirlwind and his village to arrive. while they were waiting for the Whirlwind tried to arrive Hartman got seriously ill. Chatillon’s Indian wife Was dying call Chatillon went ahead to see his wife before she died. Francis got better and went back to Fort Laramie.
Francis and Shaw Decided to follow the Worldwind’s Village for a few days. after a few days, they received word that an Indian trader wanted to accompany Francis. After a few days the Indian Trader never found Francis and never found the Indian trailer but they found some Indians camped before they went on the warpath.
They finally arrived at rendezvous but Francis and Shaw ever found the Indians. It wasn't too big of an upset for Shaw because he wasn't really interested in studying the Indians. Francis founded a man and sent him off to find the Whirlwind Village to see where they were at. this was a very dangerous task because he took a risk of being treated badly by the Indians whether they were friendly or

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