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'Poverty And Racism Persist In Mississippi'

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The African American Literature unit shares the stories of many peoples lives through novels, poetry, essays, articles, and films. Many of these people were put in a rough situation because of of how they started out in life. many of them come from poverty which can restrict the opportunities they have in life. Economics play a key role in the African American literature as it effects the lives of many people. This was found in pieces of literature such as the article "How Poverty and Racism Persist in Mississippi", the novel The Water is Wide, and the poem "Note on Commercial Theater". First, the article "How Poverty and Racism Persists in Mississippi" shares the story of the author and his life as a child growing up in poverty. He tells about the struggles he went through such as only eating beans for days on end and constantly being hungry. As a child that just seemed ordinary to him as he didn't know anything else. As he is now grown up and a writer for The Atlantic, he knows different and is able to recognize the position of what he was in. Not only did he live that life, but many others did as well. Thirty two percent of African Americans in Mississippi live in poverty which is much higher than the national average. …show more content…
His story is unique as he is white and offers to teach students at a predominantly black and low income island of Yamacraw, South Carolina. These students all come from very low income households and many have not been out side of the island. They are unaware of pother cultures, ways of life, and traditions such as Halloween. Conroy exposes them to trick or treating which is a common activity or event to do on the evening of Halloween across the United States. The economic situation that these kids are in gives them little opportunity to get out and find a new way of life. Again, these African Americans are stuck in a loop of

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