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Adult Directed Play Analysis

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Play is one way for children to develop social skills including turn taking, and, learning to follow instructions and rules. Likewise these are all important skills for children to learn to do activities involving group play while in a nursery setting as they need skills such as socialising throughout group activities to each decide what role to make play successful. Although Adult-directed play can also be good for this as adults are able to control small groups and teach them new activities such as creative play in groups to make a picture of outdoors using different resources for example leaves. Therefore each child can have a job role to make the sensory picture a group decision. Staffs are able to make this happen as they plan activities …show more content…
For example for children aged 0-2 years activities such as in a ball pit children can be sat with adults for adult- directed play to learn then younger children how to sit together and play on the slides, with the balls etc. This allows them to each be able to learn different aspect such as different colours, language they didn’t know for example the name of the ball pit and slides. While also teach the names of other children to build and bond a friendship. Therefore this allows the children to socialise and discover together by asking each other if they want to go on the slide after a couple of times being put on it by their parent with different children. While also engaging the children as it is an overwhelming scenery .While children can also socialise at all ages by laughing when they are having fun for example when going on the slide. On the other hand this activity also allows the children to take turns on the slide so that they don’t cause injury and have fun together by choosing who goes first and who follows. Secondly the children also learn how to share for example by sharing the plastic play balls in the ball pit so that they can each have a turn with different colours. While they can also all co-operate by helping one another get round the ball pit by helping each other climb up different sections or work …show more content…
For example one would be I charge of what resources they need to make the scenery, one child would need to think about what animals are needed on the farm, while the other who is creative is able to draw out the images needed on the farm to add more greater detail. This allows the children to socialise as they are each able to talk together to make decisions on who is best to do each role. While also socialising by asking what animals live on the farm, what they eat and where he should live on the farm. This also allows the children to learn how to take in turns and share for example if one child is sing the paint to colour in a animal and another child needs it then the child will learn to either wait or get on with another part of the activity while they wait. This also teaches each child that they have to share the resources although they are each doing a different activity to support one group activity. On the other hand the children also learn the aspects of co-operation this is done by the children each choosing the role they would like to make in the activity so that they all are needed for a specific part therefore they are all co-operating their own ideas towards the

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