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Evidence-Based Practice: A Case Study

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The purpose of this discussion is to talk about the role of a nurse leader and how they help implement evidence-based practice, the strategies for implementation of evidence-based practices, the forces of changing the culture with the nursing shortage. Nursing culture is different because nurses must rely on each other to save people's lives this making nursing bonds stronger. An organization infrastructure hinders progress would be all the regulation and rules that people to do to get the ball rolling for a project. The evidence-based practice that is going on is that there are one nurse and one aid to six patients to provide more safety and patient satisfaction.
The role of nurse leaders is to build and expanding evidence-based practices …show more content…
they build knowledge and commitment by having focus groups, making resources manuals and troubleshooting for problems. they promote action and adoption by proving care and troubleshooting. They also collect data at this point. Finally, they pursue integrations and sustained use by gathering the date and sharing it with others. (). Current issues would be hormones in menopause women, women are taking them to prevent heart disease and dementia, but it shows that women who are taking the hormones that they show a reduced risk for breast cancer ( Devi, Sugiguchi, Pedersen, Abrassart, Glodowski, & Nachtigall, 2013).
The forces behind a changing healthcare culture would the retirement of baby boomer causing a be the to have a less nurse turn over. Nurse shortage the over for nurses. undertrained of nurses because of rushing to fill the …show more content…
They are seeing if one nurse and one aid takes care of six patients provides better care. Nurses managers notice that patients were waiting longer to get cleaned up because they were a two-person job, but aids had twelve patients, or the nurse was busy helping to clean up at that moment. They first thought of a plan by the nurse manager and she talked about it with her staff. They all wanted to try it, so the nurse manager went to the higher-ups to get approval because that means higher-ups for money that was approved. They are at the action point where they are trying it to see if patient safety and satisfaction goes

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