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Evidence Based Practice Proposal Paper

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From the topic assignments, students have utilized the previously learned knowledge as new practice approaches. One needs to identify a particular evidence-based practice proposal topic, analyze and search the topic for scientific methods as well as develop and propose relevant measures to resolve, improve or educate the field experience site. The experience from this course is an entirely different from clinical practice. Previous internships focused on the patient care and care techniques. The course, Professional Capstone and Practicum, needs students to find a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to the area of interest as well as …show more content…
In the second week, pupils require identifying a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. It would be incredible without assistances; therefore, collaborate and engage with internal experts, such as the mentor, managers, supervisors, and educational instructors, are imperative. These professionals can offer better information and resources which can make you comprehend the field experience site. They not only know the weakness and the strength of the organization but also can provide the constructive advice and guide the direction with their professional knowledge and authorization. Moreover, they can assist to screen and review the pieces of literature/ evidence-based research and organize the information with you; they can instruct individuals as well as make them develop and learn approaches in clinical. Work with intra-professionals aiding one to accomplish the succession plan and deliver safe and efficient plan in improving and changing the setting. Therefore, professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective

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