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Evidence-Based Public Health

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Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop once quoted that “Health care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all of the time.” ( n.d.). This was proven to us as early as 1800 when a British physician by the name of John Snow was credited for using statistics to provide evidence for his hunch that the pump on Broad Street was responsible for the cholera outbreak. Today, we as public health scientists must still rely on evidence to prove our theory when it comes to public health. So what is Evidence-Based Public Health (EBPH)? Many researchers and others in the public health field have tried to define Evidence-Based Public Health. However, Brownson, Fielding, & Maylahn, use the definition given by …show more content…
Also, I hope to learn as much as possible from my experience supervisor whom I believed can guide me towards having a successful research project. At the end of the research project, I hope that a targeted intervention, program, or policy will be implemented to address any public health findings. In my approach to my project, I realized unintentionally that I have considered some of the seven-stage process used by Brownson and colleagues as a tool for my success (2009, p.189). First I considered the health needs and concerns of the population at the campus. Secondly, who has shown interest in this topic enough to publish information and is this an issue affecting students at BMCC? Thirdly, I needed to determine the factors that may have caused this issue. Lastly, what programs or policies can be implemented to make a difference in the life of the school population? In other words, everything that I do will be focus on protecting and promoting health and preventing disease and injury. (CDC Foundation, …show more content…
(2017, March 15). One in Three Community College Students Experiences Hunger, Half Lack Secure Housing, 14% Homeless | ACCT. Retrieved from
BMCC. (2018, February 1). BMCC Addresses Food Insecurity and its Impact on Students. Retrieved from
Brownson, R. C., Fielding, J. E., & Maylahn, C. M. (2009). Evidence-Based Public Health: A Fundamental Concept for Public Health Practice. Annual Review of Public Health, 30(1), 175-201. doi:10.1146/annurev.publhealth.031308.100134
Koop, C. E. (n.d.). Just the Facts: Public Health and Accreditation. Retrieved from
CDC Foundation. (2018). What is Public Health? | CDC Foundation. Retrieved from
Ello-Martin, J. A., Ledikwe, J. H., & Rolls, B. J. (2005, July 1). Influence of food portion size and energy density on energy intake: implications for weight management | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Oxford Academic. Retrieved from

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