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Informatic Workforce Development Case Study

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Since developing its core competencies more than a period of ten years back, the PHI field has been making great efforts for professional contrast, recognition, and equality of visibility and funding with other areas of informatics, clinical and biomedical research informatics. Some practitioners are worried that, if public health does not provide appropriate value added services in using new data sources and new analytics opportunities under the ACA, health care providers and other data holders will start to have private sector information companies to provide the analyses and will omit sharing the data with national public health authorities. The shortages of public health informatics experts in the current workforce together with the failure …show more content…
Training of the current workforce is essential to assure a national cadre of public health workers who are skilled in analytics and visualization of data, as well as skills to communicate the knowledge derived from those data. But there are substantial informatics workforce shortages and unmet needs now, and new people need to be recruited into the rapidly evolving field.
Federal partners should expand training opportunities such as the CDC Public Health Informatics and National Library of Medicine Informatics training programs. This should include significantly expanding a national informatics corps with common competencies available to large cities and states to assist with PHI data analysis, visualization, and communication. Public health schools and the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health should require an introductory informatics class for all degree programs and should develop informatics certificate programs for the current workforce. State and local PHAs should train individuals who live in and are familiar with the community to work as community health data workers, creating a bridge between public health and hard-to-reach

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