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Problem Of Evil Research Paper

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Imagine this; a world where nothing is random and everything has already been decided. In this world, there is no evil, no good, no belief and no choice. It is a world entirely governed by a God or some all powerful government. Now, this is not a representation of our world, because here we have the ability to choose and think on our own. However, because of this, people now have the ability to commit evil acts and cause chaos in people’s lives. In fact, evil is not even caused just by people, it is found within the order of the world itself, things like: weather, animals, natural disasters, etc. This is known as the Problem of Evil, or the idea that evil always exists despite the fact that there is an all powerful, all-knowing, all-good God. …show more content…
Generally, most people regard this omnipotent force as God. For simplicity purposes, the christian God will be used as the basis for the ideas from this point on. So, who is God? According to the bible, specifically Hebrews 3:4, “God is the builder of everything” (Bible Hub). Moreover, according to the christian faith, god did not just create the universe, but also governs and controls it. Therefore, because God is able to govern and control the universe, there are several assumptions that can be made about him. These assumptions are: that he is all powerful, he is all knowing, and he is all good. However, these assumptions were made by humans, and are not a factual representation of who or what God may actually be. Moreover, in order to solve the Problem of Evil, these assumptions have to change in order to accept the necessary solutions to the former …show more content…
Based on our assumptions of God, it is not possible for evil to occur in our world. This is why to solve the problem, we must change our thoughts and ideas of God. For example, the main assumption that will cause problems with the solution to be discussed later, is the assumption that God is all good. In fact, this assumption is evidently false based on the fact we can see evil on our world now. For example, we see evil in nature, politics, social issues etc, some of which are human choices and others that are out of human control. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus on the evil that is entirely within the control of

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