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Thompson Gun Research Paper

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The weapon was given a new name, which was the ‘Thompson Submachine Gun’. Although others were creating similar types of weapons, Thompson’s gun was the first to actually be named and promoted as a submachine gun. The first production was marketed to citizens but only a few purchased due to high prices. Eventually, sales grew larger. International sales and several police departments purchased the gun. The most amount of sales in the market came from the U.S. Military.

The first gun that was produced didn’t have a serial number and it was shown 1918, which had with little similarities to the later Thompsons. This was followed by Model 1919 in .45 caliber.The guns rate of fire was about 1,000 rounds per minute. Some people say that prototypes …show more content…
On April 27, 1920, the Springfield Armory ran the tests on how well the gun performs and the results were very impressive, as 2,000 rounds were fired with only one stoppage.

The guns were also used by the Irish Republican Army in 1921 during the final month of battle in the Irish War of Independence. They were also used from 1922-23 during the Irish Civil War. The Irish did not find the Thompson submachine gun to be an effective weapon. They noted only 32 percent of those attacked with the Thompson received serious injuries.

Prohibition had significantly expanded the earnings of America’s gangsters through bootlegging (the illegal manufacture and sale of alcohol) and illegal drinking institutions, as well as gambling and prostitution. From 1924 to 1930, the city of Chicago gained an extensive status for lawlessness and violence.

As the years pass, Al Capone gained control over most of Chicago’s crime commotion by ruthlessly killing his rivals with the Tommy Gun. In 1924, authorities counted around 16 murders that were gang-related. The amount of gang-related murders continued until 1929, reaching a total of 64 …show more content…
The Marines also used the Thompsons for armed robberies. The Navy eventually came to a decision that the Thompson would be useful in the arms racks of some of its vessels.

In 1928, the Navy planned on using the Thompsons but requested modifications on the design. After doing so, Auto-Ordnance received an order for about 500 guns, which were used in the arms racks of the Navy’s vessels, specifically their Yangtze River gunboats, which were later used in a war.

Thomas Ryan, who helped by investing funds into the operation, died in 1928. Ryan gave his son the Auto-Ordnance Corporation but he sold it to another company named “Maguire Industries”. The moment that the company was sold, Thompson lost his power. The company continued to stay in the hands of the owner (Russell Maguire) until 1951. It was then sold to another company, Numrich Arms Corporation.

On February 14, 1929, St. Valentine’s Day Massacre occurred. A gangster named Fred “Killer” Burke used the Thompson Submachine Gun and killed many people in St. Joseph, Michigan (also known as “Capone’s Playground”). Capone’s playground was a place where gangsters enjoy themselves and

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