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Gun Violence Pros And Cons

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“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” This quote has a whole new meaning since the law giving Illinois Residents the option to carry a weapon on their persons passed last year. Gun violence in our society has increased rapidly over the past couple of years. Many people would argue that the newly signed laws regarding residents being able to carry a concealed weapon contribute to that increase. Guns are not meant to be used as toys for individuals but yet so many people abuse the privilege of owning a gun. It takes true knowledge to maneuver a gun correctly and responsibly. This may be a touchy subject for some, but how many people actually have taken the time to think about the pros and cons of the conceal and carry a weapon law? When …show more content…
This causes more fear in people. According to Raasch, “From my 35 years of Experience with the Joliet Police Department, fear causes people to act more irate. Irate people carrying a weapon can cause serious situations, often harming innocent people. (Raasch)”. Have you ever gone out to breakfast with your family and when you sit down at your table you realize the man at the table next to you has a gun holstered to his hip? How would this make you feel? Carrying a weapon can also cause people to try and establish dominance in areas. For instance, if someone is carrying a gun and a passerby accidentally gives them the wrong impression, the person carrying the gun can show the gun “just to prove something” or try to get a rise out of the passerby so he can use his weapon. When serious situations take place, some people act out of spite or fear and commit serious crimes, ultimately killing people. The law does prohibit owners of businesses such as hospitals, schools, grocery stores, etc. to place sings near the entrances that show guns are “not allowed” n the property. In this case, as long as this sign is present, the owner of the weapon must comply and leave the weapon either in his vehicle or his

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