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Personal Narrative Essay: A Day In Iraq

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Wednesday, August 13th, 2003, was a pleasant and luminous day in Virginia; the sound of water splashing on the colorful green grass could be heard as the kids were squirting water on each other. While enjoying tea outside their house, William James and his, wife, Erika James, watched their kids play with the water and listened to the birds sing their lullabies. Thursday, August 14th, 2003, the morning sky was depressed and the colorful green grass turned gray; it seemed like everything was coming to an end. William had all of his things packaged and was ready to leave. His kids, Bob, and Jackson gave their father kisses goodbye. “I will miss you, father,” Bob said. “Come back soon,” Jackson said. Erika’s eyes filled with tears as she …show more content…
“Don’t worry, I will,” William replied. Leaving the house to go to the taxicab, William turns back and sees his family; he starts shedding tears and gets the feeling of sadness throughout his body. William entered the taxicab knowing the risk he is taking by leaving his family to go fight on the battlefield for his country. Thursday, August 20th, 2003, was the day William was deployed in Iraq. William was carrying 60 pounds of gear in the torrid heat making him sweat throughout every inch of his body. The dust from the dirty weather was sticking onto his skin, making it harder for him to concentrate on the battlefield. The sound of bullets piercing through the air was causing excruciating pain in his ears. Seeing blood scattered all over the dusty battlefield floor as soldiers around him were being shot, made his eyes bleed. “Help, help, I’m shot!” a soldier yelled. William runs to go help the fellow soldier, but before he could make it to him, the sound of a massive bomb erupted the battlefield. The explosion made William drop to the ground. Friday, August 22th, 2003, William wakes up to see himself lying in a hospital bed strapped to …show more content…
James,” the Doctor said.
“What, where am I, who is speaking to me?” William replied, confused. “Why can’t I see anything!”
“You are at the Virginia Hospital Center,” the Doctor replied. “I am sorry to tell you this…but you have lost your eyesight when you were fighting on the battlefield in Iraq.”
“What do you mean?” William replied, confused. “So I will never be able to see again?”
“I’m afraid not” the Doctor replied, disappointed.
Friday, August 24th, 2003, William was finally able to leave the hospital and go back home to see his kids and wife. The Doctor escorted William on the taxi ride back to his house and helped him to the front door of his house. Before knocking on the door, William was thinking to himself.
“What will my kids think of me,” William thought. “What will my wife think of me?”
The Doctor knocks on door.
“Who’s there!” Erika yelled.
“Your husband is back!” the Doctor replied.
The sound of the wood floor cracking was getting closer and closer as Erika ran down the hall to open the door. Her body filled with excitement knowing that her husband was behind that door. She opened the door and gave him a hug filled with love.
“William!” Erika

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