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Bletchley Park Research Paper

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Bletchley Park was one of Britain’s best-kept secrets and was home of the Government Code and Cypher School during the Second World War. Their job was to break German codes from the ‘unbreakable’ German enigma machine. The work carried out was vital in winning Britain the war. When war broke out in Europe in 1939, Nazi Germany was occupying surrounding countries at an immense pace and the threat of invasion on Britain was imminent. The work at Bletchley Park was crucial in Britain not being occupied by Nazi Germany. Their job was to crack the enigma codes to decipher German signals and gather information on Nazi plans of attack. Without this indispensible organisation, it may have been a totally different outcome. This sense of patriotism and …show more content…
Women were imperative to the work accomplished at Bletchley Par. The role women played significantly increased since World War One. When the men were sent off to the Frontline, the women stepped out from their ‘private sphere’ into the ‘public sphere’ and they took on the ‘man’s’ role. More than a million women joined the work force between 1914 and 1918. Women could now be found in factories, shops and offices as well as tram drivers and on police patrol. However even though women were now doing the jobs that the men were doing they were still paid at least half of that of the male workers. Nonetheless this was a huge step in women becoming more equal, as Women over 30 were finally given the vote in 1918 through the Representation of the People’s Act and by 1928 in the Equal Franchise Act all women over 21 could vote. However the end of the war, with the troops return it left many women workers surplus to requirement, thousands of women were dismissed from their jobs. For some, clock was turn back and women had to return to the home and domestic duties. On the other hand for some educated middle class women professions that were once closed to them, were now

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