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Evil In Elie Wiesel's Night

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What is evil? “Evil” is defined in the dictionary as “morally bad” or “causing harm or injury to someone” (Merriam-Webster). Is this really what evil is? Is there only one source of evil or are there many? Could evil be something that people choose, or are people born that way? Is it possible that evil could be connected to someone’s environment, genetics, and spiritual beliefs? Recent events such as the terrorist attacks in Paris show that there really is evil in the world.Experiments like Milgrim’s and Stanford is prime evidence that evil can be chosen and that it can’t just be blamed on physical defects. Through examining these various theories of “evil” and the memoir Night, we can see that evil is a very complex issue and that it can come from more than one thing such as physical defects, the way someone is raised/the environment they are in, and lastly …show more content…
Nurture” isn’t the extent of the debate about evil: there is also a “supernatural” or “religious” view of evil. For example, in Christianity there is a belief that evil is directed by the free will given to us by god. This makes sense because people have their own free will to do what they want. This is similar to Judaism because they believe closely that their fate is being tested by their god, which is like the Christians being given free will to test them. There are other issues concerning evil brought up in world religions. Also in Christianity, they talk about how each human is born with a tendency towards evil, this is called original sin. This makes sense because though they are given free will by their god, they also have a tendency to do evil which tests their fate even more. This relates to the film “Born to Rage” because even though the people, like the buddhist monks, had the “warrior gene” they did not act upon it because they have free will. Overall, the most sensible combination of these theories is that humans create their own evil with no “supernatural”

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