...HR and Business Acronyms AA 1.) Affirmative Action 2.) Adverse Action AACU American Association of Colleges and Universities AAO Affirmative Action Office AAP Affirmative Action Plan AAR Average Annual Return AARP American Association of Retired Persons ABF Asset Based Financing ABM Activity Based Management ABMS Activities Based Management System ABS Asset Backed Security ACH Automated Clearing House AD & D Accidental Death and Dismemberment ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADEA Age Discrimination and Employment Act ADL Activities of Daily Living ADP Automatic Data Processing ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution AE Account Executive AED United Arab Emirates AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employers AJB Americas Job Bank ALC Alien Labor Certification ALEX Automated Labor Exchange ALJ Administrative Law Judge ALM Asset Liability Management AM Asset Management AMA 1.) American Management Association 2.) American Medical Association AMPS Auction Market Preferred Stock ANSI American National Standards Institute AP Accounts Payable AR Accounts Receivable APB Accounting Principles Board APR Annual Percentage Rate APV Adjusted Present Value APY Annual Percentage Yield ASAE American Society of Association Executives ASB Accounting Standards Board ASHHRA American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration ...
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...†iwR÷vW© bs wW G-1 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU AwZwi³ msL¨v KZ…©cÿ KZ…©K cÖKvwkZ e„n¯úwZevi, Ryb 30, 2011 evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` XvKv, 30†k Ryb, 2011/16B Avlvp, 1418 msm` KZ©„K M„nxZ wbgœwjwLZ AvBbwU 30†k Ryb, 2011 (16B Avlvp, 1418) Zvwi‡L ivóªcwZi m¤§wZ jvf Kwiqv‡Q Ges GZØviv GB AvBbwU me©mvavi‡Yi AeMwZi Rb¨ cÖKvk Kiv hvB‡Z‡Q t⎯ 2011 m‡bi 12bs AvBb miKv‡ii Avw_©K cÖ¯Ívevejx Kvh©KiKiY Ges KwZcq AvBb ms‡kvabK‡í cÖYxZ AvBb †h‡nZz miKv‡ii Avw_©K cÖ¯Ívevejx Kvh©KiKiY Ges wbæewY©Z D‡Ïk¨mg~n c~iYK‡í KwZcq AvBb ms‡kvab Kiv mgxPxb I cÖ‡qvRbxq ; †m‡nZz GZ`&Øviv wbgœiƒc AvBb Kiv nBj:⎯ cÖ_g Aa¨vq cÖviw¤¢K 1| mswÿß wk‡ivbvg I cÖeZ©b|⎯(1) GB AvBb A_© AvBb, 2011 bv‡g AwfwnZ nB‡e| (2) The Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1931 (XVI of 1931) Gi Aaxb Rb¯^v‡_© RvixK…Z †NvlYv mv‡c‡ÿ, GB AvBb 2011 m‡bi 1 RyjvB Zvwi‡L Kvh©Ki nB‡e| ( 7677 ) g~j¨ t UvKv 44.00 7678 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 30, 2011 wØZxq Aa¨vq The Excise & Salt Act, 1944 (I of 1944) Gi ms‡kvab Act I of 1944 Gi FIRST SCHEDULE Gi ms‡kvab |⎯The Excise & Salt Act, 1944 (I of 1944) Gi FIRST SCHEDULE Gi PART II Gi cwie‡Z© GB AvB‡bi Zdwmj-1 G ewY©Z FIRST SCHEDULE Gi PART II cÖwZ¯’vwcZ nB‡e| 2| Z…Zxq Aa¨vq Customs Act, 1969 (Act IV of 1969) Gi ms‡kvab 2K| Act IV of 1969 G section 3 Gi ms‡kvab|⎯Customs Act, 1969 (Act IV of 1969), AZtci Customs Act ewjqv DwjøwLZ, Gi section 3 Gi clause (a) Gi cwie‡Z© wbgœewY©Z clause (a) Ges clause (aa) mwbœ‡ewkZ nB‡e, h_v t⎯ Ò(a) a Chief Commissioner...
Words: 34415 - Pages: 138
...Rupgonj Po we rP lan Ja n Chand ina Po we Ashu lia Po we r Sava nt, Pla r gonj yan ara t, N er Plant, Comilla Pow ia l ga anganj Powe r Pl Mad an t, N anj ang ay ar r omilla t, C an Pl Madhabd i Po we rP ingdi arsh t, N lan Empowering Bangladesh Summit’s Commitment Annual Report 2010 para Power Pla Ulla nt, Maon aP ow er ur azip t, G an Pl Sir aj nj go vision To provide quality & uninterrupted electricity to the vast majority of rural Bangladesh for their personal, social & economic development. “Empowering Bangladesh” mission To expand the company into a power generation capacity to the tune of 1000 MW which is 20% of the electricity requirement of Bangladesh and maintain that level. objectives • Generate and provide uninterrupted reasonably priced electricity to our customers. • Efficient utilization of capital, machines, material and human resources. • Continuous improvement of customer satisfaction and resource management. iv Table of conTenTs Company Information Corporate Directories Notice of the 14th AGM Chairman’s Speech Introducing the Directors Success Milestones Statement of Corporate Governance Financial Highlights Directors’ Report to the Shareholders Compliance Report on SEC’s Notification Shareholding Information Management Commitee Management Team Senior Executives Introduction of the Senior Executives Memorable Events for 2010 Report of Audit Committee Auditors Report & Financial...
Words: 40084 - Pages: 161
...THE STUDENT'S PRACTICAL DICTIONARY ; fNdkoq ; CONTAINING English words with English and Hindi Meanings and Pronunciation in Deva Nagri Character with an Appendix containing Familiar Foreign Words and Phrases and Abbreviations in Common use. FIFTEENTH EDITION Thoroughly Revised,Improved,Enlarged and Illustrated PRICE 3 RUPESS ALLAHABAD RAM NARAIN LAL PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER 1936 ISCII text of dictionary taken from from TDIL's ftp: anu.tdil.gov.in pub dict site I N 1.m I Pron 1.m a Det 1.ek, abatement N abbey N 1.kmF, GVtF, GVAv, mdApn, b A, 2.yAg, smAE ag jF vZmAlA kA Tm a"r tTA -vr, 2.tk mphlA kESpt pzq vA -tAv , aback Adv 1.acAnk, ekAek, 2.pFC abandon VT 1.CoX nA, yAg nA, yAgnA, tjnA, d d 2.EbnA aAj^ nA nOkrF CoXnA, apn kodrAcAr aAEd mCoX nA, d , nA d d abandoned A 1.CoXA h,aA, Enjn-TAn, 2.EbgXA h,aA, iEdy lolp, lMpV, drAcArF, aAvArA , , abandonment N 1.pZ yAg, sMpZ aAmosg, EbSkl CoX nA d , abate VI 1.km honA, GVnA, DFmA honA abate VT 1.km krnA, GVAnA, DFmA krnA, m@ym krnA, rok nA, smA krnA d 1 1.IsAiyo kA mW, gz\ArA, kVF, mW, , , 2.mht aADFn sADao kF mXlF k , abbot N 1.mht, mWDArF, mWAEDkArF abbreviate VT 1.km krnA, s" krnA, CoVA krnA, p sAr EnkAlnA abbreviation N 1.s" , GVAv, sAr, lG,!p, skt, p 2.sE" pd yAf, fNd yA pd kA lG!p ^ , abdicate VTI 1.-vQCA s CoXnA, yAg krnA, tjnA, pd yAg krnA abdication N 1.pd yAg abdomen N 1.X, V, k"F, udr p p , abdominal A 1.udr sMbDF, V kA p abduct VI 1.BgA l jAnA, EnkAl l...
Words: 164153 - Pages: 657