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Evolution Of Animals Research Paper

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Horses are known to be some of the most beautiful animals in the world. This species are used not only for work but also for pets. They are very unique in their anatomy, classification, lifestyle, and lines of evolutionary descent. But they also can relate to some other ungulates in their habitat and behavior.
The anatomy and physiology of a horse is very different compared to other species of animals. Horses have ergots and chestnuts on the medial aspect of all four limbs. Ergots are located on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the fetlock joint. Ergots are thought to be the remnants of digits in the horse. Chestnuts are thought to be remnants of carpal and tarsal pads in the horse. Compared to other animals, horses have seven cervical vertebrae, …show more content…
This species developed from it’s earliest ancestor, the Eohippus, about fifty million years ago (S. McBane, 1997). About twenty million years ago, the Parahippus evolved from the Eohippus. About seven million years ago, the Pliohippus came from the Parahippus (S. McBane, 1997). The Pliohippus evolutionized to the Equus about one million years ago (S. McBane, 1997). The modern day heavy horse is the descendent of the Forest Horse (S. McBane, 1997). An Asiatic Horse is the ancestor of the more modern breeds of horses. Ponies and lighter breeds of horses came from the Tarpan …show more content…
In the past and the present, horses were used to pull wagons and farm equipment. These animals are also still used for herding cattle. The horse is used in racing competitions and also jumping, barrel racing, calf roping, and carriage driving competitions.In the past, horses were used in the Olympic Games. Some horses are used in war to help transport supplies and also in different types of military ceremonies (S. McBane, 1997). Horses are still used for transportation by police forces. Wild horses and domestic horses live in different but also kind of similar habitats. Wild horses move across wide open land. These horses generally stay in larger groups made up of a stallion, mares, and foals (National Geographic). Wild horses can be found all over the world (National Geographic). Domestic horses need to have a lot of land to be able to graze and roam. They should also have proper shelter away from both the heat and the cold. Domestic horses need to have a fresh water source at all times and should have food at all times

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