...Fall 13 Fall 13 The Marijuana Business James Knight This paper looks at historical information, current legislation, and makes formulates an opinion on the business aspect of the federal and state legislation. The Marijuana Business James Knight This paper looks at historical information, current legislation, and makes formulates an opinion on the business aspect of the federal and state legislation. 08 Fall 08 Fall The Marijuana Business Marijuana arrived with the mayflower and has had a close relationship with the United States ever since. The evolution of the nation’s perspective has been an ever-changing shift between legalization and regulation. This paper is not about the moral aspects of legalization, but rather the business aspect of the legalization of marijuana. It will examine the historical background, overview of the problem, current status, and the business impact of marijuana. Historical Background While marijuana has a somewhat “sketchy” background, its mention pre dates recorded history. While these historical instances are not business related, the instances do offer insight into the benefits of the substance. With the arrival of pilgrims and settlers on American soil, marijuana claimed a stake that has been ever evolving with our country. Jamestown settlers brought marijuana, or what was referred to as “hemp”, from England in 1611. All throughout the colonial era, hemp was a key export. Virginia even granted famers bounties for the cultivation...
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...Morgan Gadley 16 September 2014 English 1102 Zhang Marijuana, The Game Changer In Medicine and Society Is marijuana as corrupt as society makes it out to be? Growing up, everyone is told that, “Drugs are bad for you,” time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really appreciate the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure heedlessly. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use the drugs even though it’s unlawful. I could never comprehend why someone would go against the law and endanger their life just to use drugs? But as I got older I began to realize that these people truly didn’t do any harm to the public or to themselves by smoking marijuana. Many doctors and health specialist are advocates for consumers to smoke marijuana just because of its health benefits. Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America other than alcohol and tobacco, but marijuana is the only one that can benefit you the most out of the three. Alcohol and tobacco are drugs that many people have died from and harms the body as time goes by. Other medication that doctors prescribe to their patients is painkillers, and they can really kill you. According to McKnight et al. (2014), “There were 14,800 deaths from opiate overdose in 2008, according to the Center for Disease Control, and none from marijuana” (p. 4). Pain is the anxiety of disease, the symptom that reveals that...
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...Drugs, Narcotics, and Options for Treatment Westwood College Chet J. Willer CJ321 – Drugs and Narcotics J. L. Gonzalez, M.A. - Faculty 16 JUL 2012_MP There is no doubt that America is one of the most sophisticated and advanced countries in the world. Evan as complex and civilized that we are, many of our citizens have succumbed to the evils that are associated with drugs. Drugs have been a part of the American story since Christopher Columbus first landed in the New World and the Natives offered him a gift. It was the gift of tobacco, which would go on to become one of the most commonly used drugs throughout our history. (Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008) Drugs are a major problem in American life; however this is not necessarily a new problem. What constitutes a new problem in relation to drugs is the advancements in technologies which chemically create new drugs and modify existing ones. Drugs and the elements which surround them engulf and suffocate millions throughout the world in financial greed, criminal behavior, and uncontrollable addictions. These elements all too often lead to unrecoverable financial debts, instabilities in relationships, incarceration, and death. Many laws have been enacted as a result of the adverse actions and incidents related to drugs. These laws highly regulate the manufacturing of, use, possession, and distribution of drugs. Additionally, there have been strong efforts in attempting to treat those who have been victimized by the...
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...The European Journal of Counselling Psychology ejcop.psychopen.eu | 2195-7614 Social Learning Conceptualization for Substance Abuse: Implications for Therapeutic Interventions a Theodoros Giovazolias* , Olga Themeli a [a] Department of Psychology, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece. Abstract Substance misuse and abuse among adolescents and young adults, especially students, remain a significant public health issue, often associated with serious academic, psychological and health problems. Theoretical models of social behaviour emphasize the importance of peer behaviour as a modelling or normative influence. The processes by which social influence factors contribute to substance misuse behaviour have been described in models derived from the social learning paradigm, including both socio-environmental (e.g. social modelling, perceived norms) and coping skills and cognitive variables (e.g. self-efficacy, outcome expectancies). However, this growing body of the literature often reveals contradictory findings regarding the precise mechanisms of processes by which social and cognitive variables may influence substance misuse in youth populations. This review critically examines the literature on different forms of peer influence and accordingly provides suggestions for intervention strategies that take into consideration the relevant research findings on social learning constructs. Keywords: social learning, norms, self-efficacy, youth, substance abuse, counselling interventions...
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...MBA 2006-07 Hilary Term | Marketing, Culture and Society MARKETING, CULTURE and SOCIETY Linda Scott N.B. Please remember to check the Intranet for the most current version of this list. Library staff regularly updates hyperlinks, shelf locations and copy information. Course Aims and Objectives The purpose of this course is to prepare students to understand and act from a sophisticated cultural perspective when confronting issues involving markets and media. Readings, lectures, and discussions will show students how the circulation of goods (and the messages about goods) interact with social groupings, political agendas, other institutional imperatives, cultural tensions, and historical events. Recent research demonstrates quite clearly that such interactions have consistently been more determinative of both market failures and successes than the correct practice of traditional marketing techniques or the faithful application of conventional marketing wisdom. Given the rapid rate of change in today’s markets for goods and services, along with new channels for distribution and communication, this perspective should provide the basis for a more innovative way of practicing marketing, as well as a more globally responsible one. To these ends, a variety of texts have been assigned. These selections are designed to reorient the student toward more lasting, socially grounded, and culturally portable ideas about marketing, as well as to help each reader look at both the context...
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...Readings for American History Since 1877 Historiography in America...................................................................................................................................................... 2 How to teach history (and how not to) ................................................................................................................................ 6 How Ignorant Are Americans? ........................................................................................................................................... 9 The West ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 The Education of Native Americans ................................................................................................................................. 11 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee .................................................................................................................................... 15 Prostitution in the West: .................................................................................................................................................... 17 The Gilded Age ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 The Duties of American Citizenship ...........................
Words: 77768 - Pages: 312
...For the academic journal, see Criminology (journal). For the Raekwon song, see Criminology (song). Criminology and penology Pentonvilleiso19.jpg Theory[show] Types of crime[show] Penology[show] v t e Sociology Social Network Diagram (segment).svg History Outline Portal Theory Positivism Antipositivism Functionalism Conflict theories Social constructionism Structuralism Interactionism Critical theory Structure and agency Actor-network theory Methods Quantitative Qualitative Historical Mathematical Computational Ethnography Ethnomethodology Network analysis Subfields Conflict Criminology Culture Development Deviance Demography Education Economic Environmental Family Gender Health Industrial Inequality Knowledge Law Literature Medical Military Organizational Political Race & ethnicity Religion Rural Science Social change Social movements Social psychology Stratification STS Technology Urban Browse Bibliography Index Journals Organizations People Timeline v t e Three women in the pillory, China, 1875 Criminology (from Latin crīmen, "accusation"; and Greek -λογία, -logia) is the scientific study of the nature, extent, management, causes, control, consequences, and prevention of criminal behavior, both on the individual and social levels. Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in both the behavioral and social sciences, drawing especially upon the research of sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social anthropologists, as well as scholars of law. ...
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...Drones Today LAS-432 Tech, Society, and Culture Fernando Barreto Koop Ferwerda Victor Saffings DeVry University Professor Rollo Table of Contents Thesis statement 2 Introduction 2 Brief Description of the Technology 3 Clarification of characteristics; drones vs. robot 4 Comparison between Drone and Robot: 5 Figure 1.1 5 Historical Development 6 Evolution of drone technology 7 Current exploits of drone technology 8 Future applications 10 Political and Legal Influences 11 Review/ Explanation of current federal law 13 Economic Questions and Considerations 14 Figure 2.1 15 Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects 18 Cultural Context 20 Implications on the Environments 23 Drone Patrol Rivers for Pollution 24 “How Quad-rotors are Heroes in Times of Disaster” 24 Moral and Ethical Implications 25 “Air Force Bug-bot Nano Drone Technology” 25 Humanoids: Future is Today 26 Conclusion 27 References 28 Thesis statement The innovation of the drone has opened up an assortment of possibilities that will aid humanity in progressing towards a safe and secure environment. Resistance has been established by the global community due to how this technology was first exploited by the military. Our aim is to acknowledge this advancement as progress and research crucial evidence that supports the future implications on exploiting UAV technology. Introduction Drones are semi-autonomous flying vehicles that can be remote...
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...A STUDY ON DRUG ABUSE AMONG YOUTHS AND FAMILY RELATIONSHIP <<青年濫藥與家庭關係的研究 青年濫藥與家庭關係的研究>> 青年濫藥與家庭關係的研究 THE FINAL REPORT (FINAL version) February 2011 1 PREFACE The project on the study on “DRUG ABUSE AMONG YOUTHS AND FAMILY RELATIONSHIP” (“the Study”) is being undertaken by the Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention and the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong (“the Consultant”). The research team comprises the principal investigator (PI), Professor Paul YIP, Director of the Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention and Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong, and eight co-investigators (Co-Is), Dr. CHEUNG Siu Lan Karen (Demographer), Dr. Sandra Tsang (Social and Family Worker), Dr. Samson Tse (Focus group expert on mental health and drug abuse), Dr. Wong Oi Ling (Family therapist, Family Institute), Prof. Karen Laidler (Sociologist, expertise on assessing drug abuse problem), Dr. Paul Wong (Clinical psychologist), Ms. Frances Law (Social Worker), and Dr. Lilian Wong (Associate Consultant, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hospital Authority). We would like to thank Mr. Gary Ip, the research assistant of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Ms. Garlum Lau, the senior research officer 2 of the Department of Sociology, the participants and NGOs for focus groups and case studies for their kind and valuable...
Words: 80145 - Pages: 321
...background of the study conducted among a group of secondary schools pupils in The Netherlands. The study focuses on new Media and whether its’ usage has any effect on academic performance. This is explored from the context of HAVO Dutch youths in Rotterdam aged 14-16 years in two schools; Calvijn and Comenius colleges particularly from their peer solidarity and socialization processes. HAVO is one of the four streams of secondary education in Holland referred to as Senior general secondary education (HAVO). The stream takes five years and qualifies students to enter higher vocational education (HBO). Some students can also choose to enter pre-university secondary education VWO or MBO education (Dutch Education Journal, 2007). The analysis is based on both qualitative and quantitative findings from Focus Group Discussions (FDGs), structured and semistructured interviews, drawings, observations and questionnaires. This study considers both the advantages and disadvantages of youth engagement in new media. The study also attempt to contribute to the wider development discourses in the field of children and youth. The conclusion for this book highlights how new media has played a role in the youth cultures in structuring their peer relationships. Throughout the study, pseudo names are used for ethical reasons. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Before delving deeper to this study, it’s important to have some background understanding on what led me to conduct this particular study...
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...Coping Mechanisms: strategies and outcomes. Coping with Crisis and Overwhelming affect: Employing coping mechanisms in the acute inpatient context. Isabel Clarke Consultant Clinical Psychologist Address for Correspondence: Isabel Clarke, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, AMH Woodhaven, Loperwood, Calmore, Totton SO40 2TA Email: isabel.clarke@hantspt-sw.nhs.uk Website: www.isabelclarke.org Abstract When mental health breaks down, the human being grasps at ways of coping with the crisis. The goal of coping is escape from intolerable affect and the means are familiar as 'symptoms' of mental illness. For example, to shut down physically and cease to compete is depression (Gilbert 1992), and drugs and alcohol provide a straightforward way out. As psychological therapists, our task is to devise, evaluate and, most importantly, persuade the client to adopt alternative, healthier, ways of coping; ways that offer less immediate relief, but which do not trap the person in a diminished quality of life. By explaining breakdown in terms of coping with intolerable affect, this approach, developed and evaluated in an acute hospital setting (Durrant, Clarke & Wilson 2007), enables us to offer more adapted skills for coping with affect as the solution. This 'third wave Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)' approach (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999) takes seriously the discontinuities in human information processing (Teasdale & Barnard 1993) and employs mindfulness...
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...Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report Ontario Tobacco Research Unit November 2012 Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report Suggested Citation: Ontario Tobacco Research Unit. Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report. Toronto: Ontario Tobacco Research Unit, Special Report, November 2012. Ontario Tobacco Research Unit ii Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report Acknowledgements Many people were involved in the preparation of this report. Key authors are Robert Schwartz, Shawn O’Connor, Alexey Babayan, Maritt Kirst, and Jolene Dubray. Marilyn Pope, David Ip, Pamela Kaufman, and Marian Smith provided editorial comments on an earlier draft and Sonja Johnston provided production assistance. The interpretation and opinions expressed in this report are the responsibility of the Principal Investigators of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU): Susan Bondy, University of Toronto K. Stephen Brown, University of Waterloo Joanna Cohen, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, University of Toronto Roberta Ferrence, University of Toronto, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health John M. Garcia, University of Waterloo Paul McDonald, University of Waterloo Robert Schwartz, University of Toronto, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Peter Selby, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto Ontario Tobacco Research Unit iii Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report Table of Contents Acknowledgements...
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...Rastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi São Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Edmonds...
Words: 79520 - Pages: 319
...Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools Virac, Catanduanes SY 2014-2015 Drug Addiction/Drug Usage Lyri Kirsten Anicken T. Gianan Grade 9 – Platinum Mr. Eddie Cabrera February 11, 2015 Report on the Enforcement of the Prohibition Laws of the United States by the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (Wickersham Commission Report on Alcohol Prohibition) I have signed the report of the Commission, although as is probably inevitable when eleven people of different antecedents and temperaments endeavor to agree upon a contentious subject, it is more or less of a compromise of varying opinions. In so far as it states facts, I believe it to be generally accurate. Every effort has been made to make it so. I should have preferred to have it state more facts and fewer broad generalizations from unstated facts. But the difficulties in securing accurate statistics, owing to the unsystematic and unscientific manner in which they are commonly kept in this country, often makes it impossible to get reliable statements of fact, although there may be sufficient available information to afford a fairly reliable basis of generalization. I am in entire accord with the conclusions "that enforcement of the National Prohibition Act made a bad start which has affected enforcement ever since"; that "it was not until after the Senatorial investigation of 1926 had opened people's eyes to the extent of law breaking and corruption that serious efforts were made" to coordinate "the...
Words: 16435 - Pages: 66
...MARKETING 7E People real Choices This page intentionally left blank MARKETING 7E People real Choices Michael R. SAINT JOSEPH S SOLOMON ’ U OLLINS NIVERSITY Greg W. MARSHALL R C OLLEGE Elnora W. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATE STUART Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Acquisitions Editor: Melissa Sabella Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Editorial Project Manager: Kierra Bloom Editorial Assistant: Elisabeth Scarpa Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Anne Fahlgren Marketing Assistant: Melinda Jensen Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Project Manager: Becca Richter Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Creative Director: Jon Christiana Senior Art Director: Blair Brown Text and Cover Designer: Blair Brown Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Bindery: Courier/Kendalville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: Palatino Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Microsoft®...
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