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Submitted By sonimca19
Words 1014
Pages 5
KXchange Folder Navigation
User logins to KXChange and views landing page

Folders will be displayed in Left navigation tree and files will be displayed on right

Check Folder details exist in KXChange Database?

Folder will be shown in navigation tree with different color scheme and files will not be displayed.

Folder will be shown in navigation tree and files will come on the right.

User will click on folder to get the folders and files beneath it.

1. After successfully login in KXchange, user will go on landing page.
Landing Page * <kxweb> / home.html * kx.js * Create a file kx-dev.js which gets – kxtoken * Include this file in home.html
Navigation Bar A. Make a $.Ajax call to kxapp/api/content/repository/<kxtoken> a. Get box auth token. b. Get folder/0 – {KXchange , EnterpiseFolder1, Marketing} c. Check which folders are in the KXContentMap table. d. Call getContentTree (boxAuthToken, level, parent, content_flag) for folders in A.c e. Show them in Repository according to sequence stored in KXContentMap. f. Show other folders in My Documents
Use jstree.js to build the Repository Tree
Use HTML5.pushState for page transitions.
File Contents
Pseudo Code for Client Side
Methods on client side: Method | Parameter | Description | Format | getFolders | rootId | Contains folder id | String | buildList | jsonData, IsChildExist | Recursive Method | JSON, boolean |

Pseudo Code for Client Side

On document.ready()

{ getFolders('0'); {

// call rest service method

/BoxService.svc/api/repository/+ _KXTOKEN;

//Method return JSON Data to client, now read the JSON Data.

On Success :read the Jsondata success: function (data) {

//Calling recursive method (buildList(data, isChildList);
BuildList method returns HTML and we will bind this HTML to DIV where ID=0;

buildList(jsonData, true);
HTML will create folders and display under Root folder in Tree View.

//Checking first that data.ChildList==”object” or not
if (typeof (data.Childlist) === 'object') { // An array will return 'object' if (isChildList) {
//Checking that current folder is Root folder or not.
(If yes) then
html += '<a href="#" onclick="getFiles(' + + ')">' + ROOTNAME+ '</a>';

//Here we are changing the color of folders that are not exists in KXChange Database.

if(data.iskxfolder==1) html += '<a href="#" onclick="getFiles(' + + ')">' + + '</a>'; else

html += '<a style="color:Red;" href="#" onclick="getFiles(' + + ')">' + + '</a>';


//Now will check its ChildList exists or not, If exists then we will call this method recursively to build the tree.

if (data.Childlist != undefined) $.each(data.Childlist, function (index, ChildList) { html += buildList(ChildList, true); Calling recursively same method (and wrapping it in a div) });

} return html;


//On click of any folder from tree we will call getFiles(folderid).

getFiles(FolderID, ListOfFiles // ‘|’ seperated)
//Calling KXService URL

var resturl = KXAPPURL + '/BoxService.svc/api/repository/' + _KXTOKEN + '/' + folderid;

// GET FILE LIST from service

Call Service GetRepositoryFile() - get List<BoxFile>

// Binding logic

Server Side

Methods on Server side: Method | Parameter | Description | Format | GetRepository | String strtoken | Contains authToken | String | CreateRepository | rootFolder, TreeLevel | First parameter contains BoxFolder class object and second contains Level of Tree that we need. | Object,String |

Method 1:- GetRepository(String strtoken)
//Getting box token GetBoxTokenInfo(strtoken);

//Now creating BoxFolder class object and assigning ID=0 to property and passing the object to CreateRepository Method with TreeLevel Depth.

BoxFolder rootFolder = new BoxFolder(); = "0"; CreateRepository(ref rootFolder, TreeDepth.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_LEVEL);

// Create Repository method is void type recursive method.

void CreateRepository(ref BoxFolder boxFolder, int FolderLevel)
//On start of this method checking FolderLevel is less than 0. If yes then return.

//calling GetBoxFolderResponse METHOD with folder id that return all the folders exists under passed folder ID and getting data in folderItemsResp that is object of BoxFolderResponse class.

BoxFolderResponse folderItemsResp = GetBoxFolderResponse(;

//Now go for every entry that contains in folderItemsResp object.

for (int i = 0; i < folderItemsResp.entries.Length; i++)
Now take data of each entries in object of BoxFolderItem class.
BoxFolderItem boxFolderItem = folderItemsResp.entries[i];

And check BoxFolderItem object is equals to Folder or not if yes then
//Creating object of BoxFolder class and adding data in it if (boxFolderItem.type == FolderType.FOLDER) {

//Added extra property in BoxFolder class to check folders on root exists in database or not.

BoxFolder CurrentboxFolder = new BoxFolder(); =; =;
CurrentboxFolder.sequence_id = boxFolderItem.sequence_id;
CurrentboxFolder.type = boxFolderItem.type;
CurrentboxFolder.etag = boxFolderItem.etag;
//Calling a method name “IsKxFolder(folderId)” to check folder id exists in KXDatabase or not(Used tables are “boxcontent” and “kxcontentmap”.
--stored procedure name:- “up_CheckKXFolder” iFolderStatus = kxService.IsKxFolder(; if (iFolderStatus == 1) { CurrentboxFolder.iskxfolder = 1; } else { CurrentboxFolder.iskxfolder = 0; }

//Now adding data in to BoxFolder Type List and Calling again CreateRepository method with Current Folder ID and minus 1 from the Root level parameter. boxFolder.Childlist.Add(CurrentboxFolder); CreateRepository(ref CurrentboxFolder, FolderLevel - 1);


Method 2: Methods to Get File Details

List<BoxFile> GetRepositoryFile(string FolderID, String FilesList)
If ( GOTO_BOX_FOR_FILE == true ) // from web.config
// go to Box and get the files for folderId = FolderID From the files list build the FilesList string again with ‘|’ seperator FilesList = “”; Call GetBoxFolderResponse() For each entries { If item is a file add the id to FilesList with ‘|’ }

// Go to database to get all the file properties Call Stored Proc - pass files list - FilesList Stored proc gets all the file attributes from BoxXContent table Stored proc returns dataset with all file attributes

// Create the List of BoxFile and return For Every row in the Dataset { Create a BoxFile object from the row values Add to a List of BoxFiles } return the List of BoxFiles

List<BoxFile> GetFiles(List<string> FileID)

//Creating a list to return
List<BoxFile> lstFileDetails = new List<BoxFile>();

//for loop to get details for each fileID in list and add the details to lstFileDetails and return lstFileDetails for (int i = 0; i < FileID.Count; i++)

BoxFile boxfile=new BoxFile();

boxfile =GetBoxFileResponse(file ID)// this method get the details of file from box


Return lstFileDetails();

Internal BoxFile getBoxFolderResponse(fileid)
Return boxfile detail;

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