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Examining Theory Paper


Submitted By ScottM0828
Words 2234
Pages 9
Examining Theory Paper

In this paper I am going to go with the video for social structure theory when covering the following topics. I will introduce how the video supports a social structure theory, the primary subject and content, major principles of the sociology theory addressed and social issues discussed. I am going to discuss, in the last part of this paper, what are some possible consequences for a social policy change. The video that I have chosen to do this paper on will be the “Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone” to best fit with my beliefs of social structure theory simply the top reason for criminality evolving. In the video that I have viewed, “Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone,” there was a great deal of information in it that supported crime evolving from a social structure theory. The prisoners in Pelican Bay State Prison set a goal to get into this prison because it is more like a reward than a punishment. The motive for the a reward of these prisoners is that only the meanest most violent prisoners who are gang leaders out of prison. These gang leaders still run the gangs, although they are in prison and are fearless. These gang leaders come from the only family that they have ever known and would give their lives for the gang. Most prisoners, gang leaders are educated only in the streets and nowhere else. In the video it speaks of how Pelican Bay State Prison is known for the thousands upon thousands of gang leaders who set a goal to end there for more recognition. The prisoners who end in Pelican Bay go in strong and hardcore, and when they come out they are not weaker but stronger and more dedicated than ever to be the gang leader that they are. The gang is not lost without their leader right beside him or her because they know they will be keeping in touch, with the leader on a regular basis. It is a life wanted by these

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