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Examples Of Allegory In The Masque Of The Red Death

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Edgar Allen Poe is a writer that wrote The Masque of the Red Death in 1845 one quote that he Had that related to the story was “The boundaries which divide life from death are the best and Shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends and where the other begins,” Edgar Allen Poe. Edgar Allen Poe has a lot of allegory in most stories he writes like in the House of Usher he had some allegory but in the masque of The Red Death he had quite a bit more Allegory then he did in the House of Usher.
The three important Allegory’s in The Masque of The Red Death was The seven rooms, masked stranger and the clock these things are the allegory’s you need to know In order to understand the concept of the story and what they mean so the first thing …show more content…
The next allegory we are going to talk about is the Clock that rings every hour the clock was a big black clock located in the black and scarlet room where no one was partying at cause they were scared to enter the room which the allegory is the clock represents death cause the hand ticking represent time that flies in peoples life cause every hour the bell rings everyone stops and waits for the bell to stop cause when the bell was sounding it reminded them that their lives were drifting away as they stood there and partied all day and all night cause no one can leave cause of the disease that was going around the town which cause everyone to be in the abbey where the king held his party for his friends that he thought would keep people out and the disease but after the clock rang then everyone would continue doing their regular party going after laughing nervously to the bell ringing throughout the mansion but most people just think the bell is part of the creepy set up to the room that it sets in which is the black and red room where no one would dare step foot in the room just cause there was no light nor people to walk in there and party with them cause most people were scared to enter the room cause of the color of the room that has the clock in it but when you really research the clock they see that it

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