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Examples Of Dishonesty In The Crucible

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Crucible essay The playwright The Crucible, by Author Miller, main themes are definitely honesty and integrity. Many people were accused of witchery and were either hung or imprisoned; which depended on their reputation in the town. Lies and dishonesty are a really important part of this story. There are many dishonest things that were said throughout the play. Most of the characters have very strong feelings about their reputations, simply because the time era and where it takes place, in Salem. One character in particular that shows integrity is john Proctor. Proctor thinks very highly of his reputation, but when he made a decision to confess to having an affair he completely ruined his reputation. After he was accused of being a witch, and began his trials, he said “A man will not cast away huis good name.” He didn’t want to ruin his name around town. He at least wanted to have a good legacy to leave his children so he decided to be hung. He says “I have given you my soul; leave my name.” Proctor had stated this when he was told to sign the confession. …show more content…
He too, just like Proctor cares about his reputation in the town. From this passage he says “Speak nothing of unnatural causes’. When he states this he is showing that he is upset when Betty was bewitched. It would make it seem like he was allowing such things to go on in his household, with his consent, resulting in him losing his reputation and potentially allowing him to lose his position as the head of the church. In later acts he was scared for his life. He said “you cannot hang his sort. There danger for me.” He had come across a dagger in his front door and was scared that if respected citizens were hung the town would

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