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Examples Of Moral Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Moral Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird

People have different point of views and ideas on what moral courage is. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout's point of view on moral courage changes throughout the story. At the beginning of the story Scout was naive and did not know much about how the world really worked. By the end of the book, Scout started to realize how things really are. She started to realize racism and prejudice. This causes Scout to change her point of view on what moral courage is. Moral courage can be determined on how someone handles a conflict or problem. Throughout the book, she starts to learn different things which affects her point of view and changes her idea on what moral courage is. In the beginning of the …show more content…
One main conflict that happened in the book was the Tom Robinson case. When Atticus accepted the case, he knew about the consequences but still accepted it anyway. He knew what will happen when he defends an African American man going on trial for raping a white women. Not only would it affect him, but also his children Jem and Scout. People kept calling Atticus names, and Scout even got into a fight because of it. Atticus shows moral courage by accepting to be Tom Robinson's lawyer because it’s the right thing to do even though people will look down on him and his children about it. Another conflict that happened in the story was that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict. She was dying and in pain, but she wanted to die morphine free. In the story, Atticus told the kids, “she said to break herself of it before she died, and that's what she did.” Mrs. Dubose was in a lot of pain when she was dying, but she was being morally courageous by trying to stay clean, no matter how hard it was for her.
From when she was younger to when she grew older, Scouts idea of moral courage changes. She was ignorant and naive at first but then she started to realize how the world truly is. Scouts idea of someone being morally courageous might be different from somebody else's, one way to tell that someone is being morally courageous is what they will do when they have a big problem or

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