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Examples Of Racism In Huckleberry Finn

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There has been serious argument over Huckleberry Finn and whether or not it was a racist book which lead to some bannings from school systems and remakes of the book itself. Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist book because of Huck’s developing morals, accurate depiction of the time period, and the overall theme throughout the book.

Throughout the book, huck develops his own morals separate from societies. The biggest moment that this shows is when he finally decides to go against society and break Jim out of slavery. He debates in his mind whether he should send this letter to Jim’s original slave owner or to help Jim and eventually says “Alright, then, I’ll go to hell” indicating that he has decided to go against …show more content…
He doesn't show that he personally believes these words are right but that he is trying to show that people thought they were right back then. An example from the book is “Good gracious! anybody hurt?’ she asks. ‘No’m,” comes the answer. ‘Killed a nigger’” (Twain 221). Salwen says Twain uses this ironically to show how people thought of black people back in the time period of this book (Salwen). People also say the word “nigger” as used in this book, is inappropriate and racist. David Bradly tries to explain that the word itself is not racist but how you use it is. That nigger only has as much power as you give it (CBSnews). This shows that the vocabulary and the way people thought were only depicting how people were back then and really end up giving a good learning …show more content…
It couldn’t possibly get any more anti-racist than that. Bates says that this book is trying to show that it is imorally wrong to discriminate against colored people and that you do not have to listen to what society says (Bates). Salwen says that “it's about nothing less than freedom and the quest for freedom.” (salwen 1). Salwen also says that this book couldn't possibly be racist with a plot line of a boy helping a black man attempting to become free of slavery (Salwen). Which proves that the theme of this book in and of itself makes this book not racist because it is showing the correct way to treat our fellow

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