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Examples Of Rumors In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Have you ever decided what a person is like based off of rumors? Can you really know a person just by what people say? This happens to many people. An example of such would be Arthur (Boo) Radley in the book To Kill A Mockingbird. Boo Radley is a secluded mysterious figure who never comes out of his house. Scout and Jem (who are young children) are fascinated with the stories and rumors of Boo radley and hope to meet him one day. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee represents the theme that rumors do not define a person through Arthur (Boo) Radley and his relationship with Atticus’s children (Scout and Jem) and how their relationship changes from the beginning to the end of the book. An example of Harper Lee using this theme would be at the beginning of the book. During the summer, in a small town called Maycomb, Scout and Jem meet a new …show more content…
At the end of the book There is a trial Were Atticus is defending an African American named Tom Robinson against the Ewell family. The Ewells are poor and extremely rude. Atticus loses to the ewell’s but during the trial Atticus also embarreses the family. In revenge Bob tries to kill Atticus’s kids. Boo Radley hears the children screaming and comes to the rescue. Arthur carries Jem home (he got knocked out) and Scout runs home. Atticus then talks to Arthur Radley and says “Thank you for my children Arthur.” in Atticus’s eyes (and the children’s) Arthur Radley is a hero. For saving them the children are no longer scared of Boo Radley. Now they are extremely grateful for what Arthur did. In conclusion, the theme rumors do not define a person is supported with Boo radley and his relationship with scout and Jem. Along with how their relationship changes from the beginning to the end of the book. Their relationship changed because Scout decided to not listen to the rumors and instead based her judgement on real life

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