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Examples Of Stereotypes In The Tv Shows

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In the show blackish, many stereotypes that were brought upon us by the white civilians are portrayed. For instance, in the first episode while they were introducing the characters and the environment said characters were in, a tour bus filled with white civilians rode by. The hostess of the bus exclaimed about the black man who lived in a white neighborhood and referred to him as “A black man out of its natural habitat”. So far the show has shown that the black culture is not to even live in the same neighborhood as the Caucasians, simply because it is not the way of life. Later on in that same episode, another white character thought he stole the car he was driving based on how new the model was and his skin color. Yet, she said she did not want to come off racist when asking about the car.
Police received call that armed individuals had entered an abandoned house. When they knocked on the door, Cameron Tillman, a high school freshman and talented athlete with a 3.7 grade point average opened the door and was shot four or five times. The local sheriff said Cameron came to the door with a gun in his hand, but that was later changed to say a BB gun was found "in close proximity" to his body. The teens say the BB gun was on the table. Cameron was alive for at least 45 minutes, according to the family's lawyer, yet the police offered no medical assistance. The investigation is ongoing, but …show more content…
In particular, it appeared as the system of slavery. Soon after, it transformed to the Jim Crow laws. Next, supremacy converted to the contemporary system of color blind racism. Finally, it altered to mass incarceration. The foundational centralization of racial power will not shift, but it will get stronger. White supremacy will be stronger then because it is openly ignored. In most parts of the United States, most individuals believe that racism nor white supremacy

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