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Executive Compensation Controversy

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With recent changes in the UK law in terms of shareholder empowerment, controversy has arisen questioning the benefits of having shareholders decide on executive compensation. This form of decision-making from shareholders relates directly to corporate governance and that ability of an organization to make profits following such decisions. As a result, this essay seeks to discuss the benefits and demerits of giving shareholders a say in executive compensation in the UK context.

Fernando (2006) terms corporate governance as the system or structure through which a business is controlled and its activities driven in terms of decision-making, where it determines the hierarchy of authority. The above makes it a system through which responsibilities …show more content…
This is as depicted by humanistic management and leadership strategies, where shareholders offer the perspectives of executives being organizational assets that need long-term motivation (Daft & Marcic, 2012). Consequently, the above is likely to eliminate cases of embezzled funds in the form of increased pay packs to hoodwink shareholders, while funds are diverted from organizational operations. Shareholders are thus able to give incentives such as shares to motivate individuals when there are not enough monetary resources for remuneration of executive officers. This draws the argument back to Burberry, which offers shares to executives rather than direct and immediate monetary incentives (Campbell, 2014). This is beneficial on numerous levels, especially considering that these executives become part of the shareholders meaning that any returns on investments affect them too directly in terms of earnings in dividends in itself, this becomes an innovative procedure entrenched in policy to minimize embezzlement of funds and poor performance, while at the same driving the economy …show more content…
Aviva provides evidence of such a case, where shareholders have repeatedly called for better accountability in order for executives to make their interests known and served. Treanor and Kollewe (2012) report that the company has on several occasions had its shareholders demand better performance prior to authorisation of increased pay perks for its executive officers. This points to the financial power that shareholders wield and can force down on its executives to increase their performance and relate to their employees and external environment

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