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Professional Veterinarian

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In the United States, there are almost 80,000 individuals who work as a veterinarian (Mckay). A veterinarian is an individual who has the ability to provide medical care and to provide treatment to animals. However, this definition is very broad. There are the typical “everyday” vets who can run their own practice and treat animals like dogs and cats. In addition to this kind of vet, there are also professional vets who have work in zoos; these veterinarians have to put up with dangerous situations because they are working with wild animals like lions, tigers, elephants, etc. Third, there are the individuals who work with the large and sometimes small animals who live on farms including horses, cows, donkeys, etc. No matter what area a …show more content…
It can be a very time-consuming process to become a professional veterinarian. Before applying for vet school, individuals must obtain a bachelor’s degree which includes completing many science, math, humanities, and social science courses (Liddel 4). They also have to complete a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at an accredited veterinary school (Liddel 4). Lastly, before becoming a licensed vet, they must pass the “North American Veterinary Licensing Examination” (Liddel 4). It will take a least eight years to complete the required schooling for becoming a vet. This may seem long, however, in the end it is all worth it.
While the schooling may seem to take a long time to complete, it is worth it because of the income one has the opportunity to make. As of May of 2016, the median annual wage for veterinarians was $88, 770 (Liddel 5). This might not seem as much as what a doctor might make, but that is because that is just the median annual wage. The highest ten percent of licensed veterinarians made more than $161,070 in 2016 while the lowest ten percent made less than $52,470 (Liddel 5). Even the vets who are in the lowest ten percent still make a reasonable income. This makes the years of schooling seem worth

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