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Veterinarian Research Paper

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Veterinarians perform almost a similar role as doctors. The only difference is that they treat animals unlike doctors who treat human beings. They study about medicine (specifically veterinary medicine), treat animals and control diseases and injuries suffered by animals. Veterinarians immunize animals against diseases, and also inspect meat to ensure it is safe for consumption, (Dunlop, 2003). Other medical services they perform on animals include surgery, merging bone fractures, recommending suitable diet for animals and prescribing suitable medication.
Today, many people view veterinarians as doctors who major in treating pets like family dogs and cat. However, in …show more content…
Some of them specialize in inspecting meat that army officers consume. Others also work in various meat and poultry packing houses as inspectors of meat to be sold to the public.
Finally, a number of veterinarians in the United States are also working in pharmaceutical companies. They help in innovation and research on appropriate drugs and vaccines for animals. Many are also employed in higher institutions like universities to teach students and help in research, (Hill et al., 1998). Greater percentage of research ongoing currently by veterinarians entails studying the existing relationship between animal and human diseases and how animal diseases are transmitted to …show more content…
First is American Animal Hospital Association. In order to become a member, veterinarians are required to pay an initial $625 accreditation fee for the first evaluation. After the first evaluation, subsequent renewal evaluations of $1070 are payed including annual membership dues. The second is American Veterinary Medical Association, (Hunter, 2016). Veterinarian are required to pay annual membership fee of $330 while students pay some variable fees once they have joined. Members can buy journals at a discounted cost of $40. Moreover, 15 units of continuing education (CUEs) are required for a veterinarian in each licensing

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