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Gathering Blue Book Report

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Gathering Blue book report Chase Marsh 9th The book I read over the summer was Gathering Blue. The author of this book is Lois Lowry. I had never read any of her books. when I first saw the title, it did spark my interest. The genre of this book is fiction. I think the title of this book does adequately capture the message of the text because when Kira meets Annabella, she teaches Kira how to make dyes for her knitting. But Kira realizes that there is no way to create the color blue because the community does not know how to create it. I think the title of the book is interesting. Some of the parts of the book that I like was when Annabella dies because this made the book interesting and Jo must learn to persevere through …show more content…
Some of the main characters that I liked was Matt because he would help kira a lot since she had a disability. I also like jamison because he always checked on kira and he saved kira from being sent to the beasts. He was apart of the council of guardians also. A character that I did not like was Vandara. She was kira’s enemy and she wanted to take Kiras life. She is a evil person and in the book it said that she forced her own child to eat a poisonous plant. I don’t think I emphasize to any of the characters in the book. One of the themes that I noticed in the book was you need to have faith in yourself. I think it was pretty easy to determine. I think the message that the author was trying to communicate to the reader was you need to stay strong. I think this because kira went through a lot of difficult times. Kira’s mom died, her house got burnt down, and she did not have a lot of money. On page 18 , kira said “i survived because of my strength”. This book did not really appeal to me in a emotional or logical

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