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Trivers Self-Deception Theory

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In this dissertation moral capacity is considered to be a spandrel, the byproduct of natural selection.
The first chapter of this doctoral dissertation deals with conceptual issues of the biological and psychological interpretations of egoism (selfishness) and altruism, and then, in the second step, it relates altruism to morality. To be more precise, it relates altruism to moral capacity which includes moral behavior, forming and maintaining moral beliefs, and moral judgments.
The main subjects of the second chapter are the evolution of altruism and cooperation and the related problem of the units of selection. I critically examine the standard models for the evolution of altruism: group selection, gene’s eye view, kin selection (with remarks …show more content…
In the fifth chapter I examine in detail conceptual and evolutionary issues of self-deception. The main target of critical assessment will be Trivers’ scientific theory of self-deception. According to this theory self-deception evolved to enhance other-deception. When self-deception is understood in terms of interpersonal deception, as in Trivers’ evolutionary model, two paradoxes emerge. One is dynamic and it concerns the process of self-deception, for in the case of self-deception deceiver and deceived are indistinguishable. Hence, it seems impossible for a person to consciously, intentionally and successfully be self-deceived. The other is so called static paradox and it concerns the impossible mental state of self-deceived individual, simultaneously having contradictory beliefs. Although it might appear that self-deception ensures egoistic efficiency, that doesn’t have to be the case. Some studies demonstrate that it could evolve to support strategies which incorporate short-term sacrifices to achieve long-term benefits by suspending or concealing the impulses for deception and aggression. These findings contradict Trivers’ self-deception as function of deception hypothesis. Accordingly, deficiency of self-deception is in line with findings on violence inhibition mechanism dysfunction in psychopaths. It also accords well with impulsive, deceiving, and risk prone behavior find in population with psychopathic

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