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Executive Summary for Pinto


Submitted By stefbeky
Words 1656
Pages 7
Executive Summary for Pinto Case
In the automobile industry, the Pinto case is a reminder of how business decisions can cause people to act unethical when money and social pressures arise. The Ford Motor Company (Ford) sought to compete with foreign car manufacturers and expedite the production of vehicles even if it meant disregarding red flag signals. Your gut can still be useful in alerting you that something might be wrong—that you’re facing an ethical dilemma—in the first place (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). The Pinto case questions the behavior of employees who acted unethical even when presented with safety issues that would change the lives of consumers. The following summary will provide details about the Pinto case.
Key factors surrounding the Ford Pinto case A key factor surrounding the Ford Pinto case was cost and safety. Ford was aware that the Pinto exploded when rear-ended. Dennis Gioia brought his concern to the committee. Because of the lack of evidence, the committee voted not to recall. Even after evidence was found, the committee again decided not to recall because in the word of Lee Iacocca “safety didn’t sell.” Ford became the topic of corporate social responsibility, unethical behavior and decision-making. At a time when fuel prices were on the rise, Ford decided to compete with foreign manufacturers by producing fuel efficient compact cars. The firm pushed to produce vehicles by breaking its ethical code and manufacturing cars that carried a safety hazard. Ford also failed to regulate its social responsibility to the public and manufactured cars based on efficiency not safety. Ford entered a competitive sub-market dominated by foreign automakers and greed by corporations and cost/benefit analysis putting a price tag on human life. Lee Iacocca pushed a defective vehicle through production and the culture at Ford lacked moral standards,

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