...3, 2013 I chose Sales Manager for each country. I selected to prepared resumes for each country. I included a resume for each country and attached a link to each announcement at the bottom of each resume. Name: Email: PROFILE: Dynamic sales manager with over thirteen years of experience in management, sales, and marketing. Seeking a position where my experience can be effectively utilized to increase product sales and price while growing market share. Recognized for ability to lead, build and sustain successful sales teams. Expert in building mutual beneficial relationships with both customers and business partners. Excellent presentation, negotiation, closing and follow through skills. WORK EXPERIENCE: ABC Company, Hunan, China Sale Manager, 2006 to 2007 * Responsible for managing up to seven Account Executives in three states * Lead the market center in a new sales promotions and contest role outs * Recruit and staff new account managers and sales representatives * Developed and implemented several Best Practices for sales execution * Conduct sales meetings and conference calls with sales team, listened to issues presented by the sales team implement the appropriate actions XYZ Corporation, Shanghai, China Sales Manager, 2005 to 2006 * Recruited resellers in the US and Europe. * Conducted sales calls all over the world using Skype. * Organized demos and evals with Support Engineers. * Generated sales forecasts and maintained...
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...carefully and answer BOTH questions IMPORTANT: Please record question numbers attempted on the front cover of the examination booklet as well as inside the booklet itself. Do not open or turn over this exam paper, or start to write anything until told to by the Invigilator. Starting to write before permitted to do so may be seen as an attempt to use Unfair Means. 26164 1 CASE STUDY DERBYSHIRE HONDA Case study by: Kenneth A.M. In December 2005, Simon Cat, vice president of SuperCar Automotive Services, reflected on some of the challenges his team faced in managing his company‟s stable of automobile dealerships. He illustrated his points by discussing the challenges faced at Derbyshire Honda, SuperCar‟s largest dealership, although all of the SuperCar dealerships faced essentially the same problems. This is very much a people business. It’s people who give us our biggest successes as well as our biggest challenges. At out Honda store, in sales, I would say that about 20% of our people are loyal to the company and really want to do a good job. The other 80% are just in this for the money ... and they can make more money here than anywhere else. Our compensation attracts some very talented people. But some of these people are sharks who try to get away with whatever they can. Others have personal problems. They live from paycheque to paycheque; that is their mentality. Still others are cancers whose bad habits can spread. We coach and counsel; we...
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...THE LONDON COLLEGE UCK HND IN BUSINESS HNBS 102 MANAGING FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND DECISION TASK 1) General information about the company: - the full name of the company: the restaurant "Millennium"; - the legal form of the company: general partnership;( being in a partnership the company has more chance to be successful not only cause more capital is injecting to the business but also expertise or specialised skills and knowledge can be used to run the business smoothly. Important is that any kind of liabilities are divided between the partners.) - activities: industry: restaurants, retail and utilities; - company location: London Representation of entrepreneurs: Main characteristics: - the primary goal of the company is to operate and on the nature of the service, and to strive to satisfy any culinary needs and expectations on the part of clients (mainly residents of the city of London); - getting a significant position in the local catering market; - the entry of the company on the domestic market, and also in the future to strengthen their position nationally. Capital expenditures is creating future benefits for a business . Existing when a business invest money in to fixed assets or to add the value of an existing with a useful life extending. The long-term financing provides businesses with a more stable debt management than a short-term loan. Unlike particular short-term loans such as credit from...
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... | |Description of My Business | |(Session 1): Describe your product or service. | | | |MEDICINE (HEALTH CARE) | |Targeted Market and Customers | |(Session 1): Describe your customer profile and why customers want or need your product or service. | |UP AND UTTARAKHAND | |PEOPLE WHOSOEVER NEED MEDICATION | |Growth Trends In This Business | |(Session 1): Is the market for your product or service growing or shrinking? | |GROWING ...
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...61 30 42 20 48 29 10 0 21 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Comments on Analysis As of June 30, 2014, significant variation as compared to FY13 is because of the following: - Shareholders equity rose by Rs. 18 bn due to net retained income generated during the year. - Total non current assets increased by Rs. 1 bn mainly due to increase in deferred tax asset by Rs. 3.2 bn, which is offset with decrease in value of long term investments by Rs. 2.4 bn. - Current assets increased by Rs. 89 bn primarily due to increase in trade debt balances by Rs. 99 bn which is partially offset with decrease in stock in trade by Rs. 20 bn. - Total Liabilities increased by Rs. 72 bn primarily due to increase in short term borrowings by Rs. 75 bn on account of adverse circular debt situation. 2 Rupees in Million (unless noted) 2014 Sales Volume (Million Tons) Profit & Loss Account Sales Revenue Net Revenue Gross Profit Other Income (including share of associates’profits) Marketing & Administrative Expenses Other Operating Expense Operating Profit/(Loss) Finance Cost Profit/(Loss) before Tax Profit/(Loss) after Tax Earning/(Loss) before Interest, taxes, depreciation & Amortization (EBITDA) Gross Profit 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 13.2 12.6 12.4...
Words: 6985 - Pages: 28
...Assignment – Manage risk -Instructions Using the CA City Retail Group scenario provided or your own workplace, answer all questions that follow. There is a requirement to produce a Risk Management plan, as evidence. Scenario You are Esther Smithers, Managing Director for CA City Department Store part of the CA City Retail Group. Your job involves assessing the Store performance as a part of the Retail group. In particular you work with the risk management for the store and raise issues that could impact on the CA City Retail Group. After a recent internal audit you are aware of issues impacting on the Store and Retail Group. Important: There are currently no specific Policies and Procedures or Business Plan for the Department Store. The existing procedures and plans belong to the CA City Retail Group and used throughout the whole organisation. This has been recognised as a problem for the Department Store. These generic plans may not be effective enough. As a result, the Strategic Directions and a SWOT analysis documents have been recently complied for the Department Store. These are outlined in Appendix 1. CEO Report on Internal Review - Key Points of the Review The CEO of the CA City Retail Group – Edward Shands has received the results of an internal review across the entire organisation. He has provided an overview of key points relating to the Department Store from and minutes of a recent executive meeting in response to the review findings. Economic - New...
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...Foundation for Understanding Enterprise Resource Planning Systems a. The Emergence of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 1. What is ERP? 2. The Evolution of ERP 3. The Integrated Systems Approach b. Business Benefits of ERP c. ERP Modules d. ERP Design Alternatives e. The Business Case for ERP 1. Cost-Benefit Analysis for ERP 2. Can ERP Provide a Competitive Advantage? f. The Challenge of Implementing an ERP System g. Summary ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS Questions for Discussion: 1. Use on-line library databases to identify articles in trade publications which provide case studies of ERP implementations. These articles may provide some insight into each of these questions. a. How widespread is the use of ERP across certain industries? b. What are the benefits reported from implementing ERP? c. What are its limitations? 2. Research and learn about the implementation of ERP. Use trade publications and on-line library databases (e.g. ABI Inform, ProQuest, First Search, Wilson Select Plus, available through your library) to conduct a search for articles. a. Find a success story of ERP implementation. What factors contributed to the success of this implementation? b. Find a story of problems encountered with an ERP implementation. What factors contributed to the obstacles which were encountered?? Possible resources: Austin, Robert D., Sole, Deborah, and Cotteleer, Mark J. “Harley Davidson...
Words: 8305 - Pages: 34
...graduates working at Deutsche Bank who were in your shoes not that long ago. Your career in banking starts here. OVERVIEW OF BANKING Banks are large, complex organizations, but what do they do exactly? 01 There are four broad categories of banking: Put simply, they provide services for those who want to borrow, lend and invest. Their clients range from individuals and institutions, all the way up to the governments and central banks of entire countries. Retail Banking – dealing directly with small businesses and individuals Banks must be ready to act on changes in the market triggered by anything from movements in the political climate, the financial climate or even the weather. So it’s vital that you’re able to adapt to change, whatever your role or the area you work in. Commercial or Corporate Banking – offering banking facilities to medium-to-large businesses Private Banking – a one-to-one service for rich individuals Investment Banking – generally related to helping clients raise capital, often by investing in the financial markets. Banking offers a vast range of career options. We’ve grouped them into 12 areas encompassing typical divisions like Sales & Trading as well as Human Resources, Technology and Risk. With the right introduction to this complex and rewarding industry you could find yourself in a dream job surprisingly quickly. This document will get you started. MYTH OR ? REALITY There are many assumptions about...
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...quality, TPM 1. Basterfield H Dale and others, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education/PHI, Inc. 2006. 2. K.Shridhar Bhat Total Quality Management (Himalaya publishing house 2005). 3. Poornima M Charantimath, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, 2003. MODULE 2 Continuous process improvement: Concepts of Kaizen, Kaizen vs. Innovation, Kaizen Strategy, House of Quality, Quality Function deployment, Quality Circles. Brain storming, Value analysis, Poka Yoke, Bench marking. Lecture, Case study on Kaizen 1. Imai Masaki, Kaizen, The key to Japan’s Competitive Success, McGraw-Hill, Inc., International Edition, 1991. 2. 3. Heizer and Nathan, Cases in Total Quality Management Manufacturing and services, Thomson South-western, 2004....
Words: 5392 - Pages: 22
...managing NOW! Gary Dessler Florida International University Jean Phillips Rutgers University Houghton Mifflin Company Boston New York To Samantha Vice President, Executive Publisher: George Hoffman Executive Sponsoring Editor: Lisé Johnson Senior Marketing Manager: Nicole Hamm Development Editor: Julia Perez Cover Design Manager: Anne S. Katzeff Senior Photo Editor: Jennifer Meyer Dare Senior Project Editor: Nancy Blodget Editorial Assistant: Jill Clark Art and Design Manager: Jill Haber Senior Composition Buyer: Chuck Dutton Cover photo credits Main image: © Bryan F. Peterson/CORBIS Lower left image: © Stockbyte/Getty Images Lower right image: © David Oliver/Getty Images Additional photo credits are listed on page 516. Copyright © 2008 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Houghton Mifflin Company unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Address inquiries to College Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116-3764. Printed in the U.S.A. Library of Congress Control Number: 2007924351 Instructor’s exam copy : ISBN-13: 978-0-618-83347-4 ISBN-10: 0-618-83347-1 For orders, use student text ISBNs: ISBN-13: 978-0-618-74163-2 ISBN-10: 0-618-74163-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
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...Distribution channel management is very important when bringing a new product or service to the market. The channel of distribution is the combination of companies or individuals that are involved in moving products from the manufacturer to the consumer (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011). Ideally, each player in the distribution channel shares the same commitment to the success of the product. Each would focus on the same target market and share the responsibilities of marketing to this consumer group (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011 ). Marketing managers must consider how many channel outlets are needed to get the desired level of market exposure required to maximize profits. The key is making sure your products are in the right place at the right time – matching consumer need and demand. The most important decision in terms of the distribution channel a company will make is whether to handle the whole distribution process of their product themselves or if they should use wholesalers, retailers, or other specialists. Because of the nature of Apple products, Apple will choose direct and select distribution for the iSolar Battery product. It’s possible that wholesalers and retailers carry competitor’s products, and therefore may not give Apple’s product the pricing or promotional support to help maximize sales. Choosing direct distribution will allow Apple to maintain control of the entire marketing mix. Apple is in direct contact with its consumers and...
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...Term : Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Part A: Working capital management of XYZ 3 2.1. Improving the elements of working capital 5 i. Inventories 5 ii. Trade receivables 6 iii. Trade Payables 7 iv. Cash and cash equivalent 7 3. Part B: Strategic Management Accounting for Decision making 8 3.1. Shutting down or keeping open a part of a business 9 3.2. Pricing a product or service 10 3.3. Product mix and limiting factor analysis 11 3.4. Make or buy decision 11 4. Conclusion 12 List of References 13 Appendix 01: Discount for early settlement 14 Appendix 02: Factoring 15 Appendix 03: Decision to shut down an operation 16 Appendix 04: Limiting factor and decision making 19 Appendix 05: Make or buy decision 21 1. Introduction This report has been prepared as per the request made by you to prepare a report on working capital management and using strategic management accounting techniques in decision making. This report has been divided into two parts, part A deals with working capital management and the components of working capital such as trade receivables, inventories, cash and cash equivalent and trade payables. This part also analyse the strategies to improve each component of working capital to improve overall working capital of XYZ and the impact of those strategies on connected stakeholders such as trade receivables and payables of XYZ. The part B describes about the usage of strategic management accounting...
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...primarily from sale of retail * classified 3 ways- pg 371 * amount of service * product lines * relative prices * major types pg 377 * chain= 2+ outlets commonly owned and controlled * voluntary chain= wholesale sponsored engage in group buying * retailer cooperative= indépendant retailers set up central buying * franchise organization * merchandising conglomerate= combines diversified retailing lines under central ownership * major decisions retailers face * segmentation and targeting * store differentiation and positioning (part of retail strategy) * retail marketing mix * product * price * promotion * place * trends * shorter life cycle * wheel of retailing concept= start small and cheap and work your way up * non store retailing (online/phone) * retail convergence (everyone is selling same stuff at same price, more competition) * rise of mega retailers * rise in retail technology (RFID) * global expansion * retail as communities or hangouts * wholesaling * selling G+S for those who intent to resale * types? * merchant independently owned bush. takes tittle * broker does not take title of goods, brings buyers and sellers together * agent represents buyers or sellers on a permanent basis * manufactures’ sale whole selling...
Words: 1115 - Pages: 5
...Case Analysis 4 1.3.1 Profitability of a transaction 4 1.3.2 Trade-in loss 5 1.3.3 UCS loses 5 1.3.4 What advice do you have for the owners regarding the new NCA structure? 6 2 Other Frameworks 6 2.1 Control 6 2.1.1 Input 6 2.1.2 Process 6 2.1.3 Output 6 2.2 Profit Plan 7 2.2.1 Profit wheel 7 2.2.2 Cash wheel 7 2.2.3 ROE wheel 7 2.3 Measuring divisional performance 7 2.4 Balanced Scorecard 8 2.5 Transfer Prices 8 2.6 Incentive system 9 2.7 Control levers to manage risk 9 2.7.1 Operations risk 9 2.7.2 Asset impairment risk 9 2.7.3 Competitive risk 9 2.7.4 Franchise risk 9 2.8 Final framework 10 3 Exhibits 10 Overview: The link between control systems and strategy The link between control systems and organizational structure (spans, cost/profit centers) The choice of what to control The profit plan Strategic profitability analysis (SPA) Designing asset allocation systems Measuring divisional performance The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Transfer prices (TP) – calculation of prices, which method was used? Incentive systems Control levers to manage risk PM&CS as control levers The Case Content Background Company information Centralized company Franchised dealer and authorized service center for Ford, Saab and Volkswagen The dealership was situated in an upstate New York town with a population of about 20.000 The company maintains its competitiveness by providing full services to its customers. Owned as a corporation by George Liddy and...
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...management. Debtors occupy an important position in the structure of current assets of a firm. They are the outcome of rapid growth of trade credit granted by the firms to their customers. Trade credit is the most prominent force of modern business. It is considered as a marketing tool acting as a bridge for the movement of goods through production and distribution stages to customers. Till few years back, Tata Steel had a very strict policy of selling against advance payments. That was an era of controlled economy. However, with an increasing domestic and international competition, Tata Steel could no longer afford this policy, in order to maintain its premium position. Further in order to capture a greater amount of market share, it was compelled to go by the industry norms and thus it ushered into the new era of credit sales. This resulted in credit sales going up significantly. A credit limit was sanctioned to every customer. The customers were required to pay the outstanding amount on the due date. |CONTENTS |PAGE NO. | |COMPANY PROFILE |02 | |TREND OF SALES...
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