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Explain The Basics Of Aromatherapy

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Basics of Aromatherapy Products
By jessica jackson
Jul 22, 2011
Aromatherapy is commonly associated with alternative healing techniques. It is the process of using natural oils as a means to alter a person's mood or health. There are three main branches of aromatherapy. The first is home aromatherapy, which is self-treatment with aromatherapy products. The second is clinical aromatherapy. Clinical aromatherapy is used as a pharmacological treatment in a clinical setting. The third branch is aromachology. Aromachology is the study of odors and their effects on the mind.

Make sure you never put undiluted essential oils directly onto your skin. They need to be diluted first, and it's always a good idea to do a small test on an inconspicuous area of skin, just in case you are sensitive to the products. Many people find it easiest to mix a few drops of the essential oil with a carrier oil, such as avocado oil. This is much easier to apply, and you're less likely to put too much of the essential oil on one area of skin. …show more content…
Aromatherapy uses pure, natural, unmodified aromatic essences, (essential oils) and hydrosols (colloidal suspensions) that come from botanical material. These substances can have a broad range of therapeutic effects and actions on the body.Many of us have already used these oils in our normal daily lives. Many toothpastes as well as mouth washes contain these oils, as do many special care products and

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