...A People’s History of The United States, by Howard Zinn, delivers a multi perspective account on how the United States came to be from the beginning to the present time. This book is able to further people’s knowledge by developing a historical story line incorporated with written pieces from past generations and Zinn’s own ideas and knowledge. Howard Zinn was a very educated man, author of multiple books, a war veteran, professor, and activist. Before going to college, he joined the US Air Force at the age of 18 in World War II. After the war he went to Colombia University and earned his Ph.D. in history. He spent most of his time after teaching at Spelman College and Boston University for over 20 years while participating in the Civil Rights...
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...has led to such a drastic decease of their culture and tradition? The answer lies in a dark part of the U.S. history, which is hidden from most of the American citizens. Explain your thought on the national holiday known as Columbus Day, and why you think it should or should not be recognized? After the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, lives of the Native American people on the once-peaceful Turtle Island changed rapidly. According to Render, many scholars believe that the sharply decline in population of the Indians is the result of the unintentional spread of European diseases throughout the Americas (22). However, this theory is only true for some individual populations. Most of the Native Americans, who did not die from diseases, were in fact deliberately killed by the colonizing powers. To many people’s surprises, the person who was at the head of the whole enslavement process and genocide of the Native people is Christopher Columbus, who is respected as a hero of America. Columbus came to Turtle Island and was overwhelmed of the remarkably endowed nature on the island. Above all else, one thing that caught his eye and attention: Gold. It is at the point of fact that Christopher Columbus and his son, Fernando, contributed in opening a series of continuous European colonization and vast destruction of Indian communities. In order to fulfill his greed, Columbus captivated the inhabitants of turtle Island, and either forced them labor to death or killed them with the...
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...“History not only explains what happened in the past but reveals how humanity has transformed” (IPL 1). This philosophy can be applied to the history of the Age of Exploration, because people can still see the lasting impact of its horrific legacy in today’s world. One of the legacies it left behind was the technological and scientific advancements that helped the world modernize, but it came at a price many colored people had to pay. From the 15th to the 18th century, Europeans traveled to Africa, Asia, and the Americas in the hope of spreading their religion, and implementing trade networks. However, that wasn’t the only thing they spread. The land they encountered was already inhabited by Native Americans, otherwise known as Indigenous people. As...
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...February 6, 2013 I am going to explain the compare and contrasting treatments of Native Americans by European Powers by many different types of cultures. We will descuss how badly the Native Americans was treated and how they had to overcome so much. I will also explain which methods was effective and which ones was not effective. The story of the Native American has been marked mainly by betrayal and sorrow towards them. Ever since the white men from across the ocean set foot onto this land, the Native American has lost almost everything including ancestral lands, dignity, and even their culture have fallen by the wayside. How interesting it is that the people who came to this land first are the ones who have been short changed. Native Americans have been ridiculed. The stereotype of the dirty dealin' Injun" is just one of numerous examples. This has not helped the Native Americans in any way. Slowly, things are getting better, but only slowly. It ended up tearing the Native Americans away from their land that they called Sacred which was not helpful and right by no means. The Cherokee called this land from Georgia to Oklahoma the Trail of Tears. Native American history is nothing but a trail of tears stretching through five centuries of horror and betrayal of the Native American. The Spanish and Native Americans date back to when Christopher Columbus discovered New World on October 14, 1492. He met with the Tainos which...
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...valuable information in the students' networking? * What is still unclear after the discussion with your classmates that needs to be clarified? During week ones discussion board assignment, we discussed the different types of health insurance billing and reimbursement methods. This discussion board assignment required taking the time to research the history of health insurance and how it has evolved over the years to the system that we know it as today. By utilizing the discussion board portion of this class, I was able to learn many things from my classmates’ postings. I learned the many different methods of healthcare reimbursement that is still currently used today. I learned the history of health insurance, and why it was developed for the patients in the first place. I also learned many different views and opinions of my classmates that allowed me to reconsider and further educate myself on the views of the future of the healthcare industry. The most compelling points that I absorbed from reading my classmates postings was reading every ones ideas and opinions regarding the future of the healthcare insurance industry. It was interesting to me to learn the different aspects of the universal health care plan that is in motion right now that I never would have considered before this assignment. By participating in this discussion board...
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...Culture America has always been described as one of the richest cultural regions. If you look at the American culture now, you will find that it has a really huge variety and diversity. And so if you study the history of America, you will find the same thing. America passed through multicultural stages until it reached what it is now. In this essay I will talk about the indigenous people in North America, which called Native American, or sometimes American Indians. First of all, I’m going to talk a little about some facts in the history of Native American people. The Native people were first who lived in this land “America” “They had lived in the land many, many years before white man set foot on their soil”(1). As any other cultures there are prosperity periods and another tragic periods. The period from the 16th through the 19th centuries was a tragic period for Native American. The population of Native American people was declining considerably in that period because of many reasons. The most harmful cause of this decrease in population was the epidemic disease that brought from Europe. An interesting piece of information is that the Native Americans were named “Indian” mistakenly! You would ask how is that? That accidentally happened when Christopher Columbus mistakenly believed that he landed in India. One of the most important aspects in the Native American people culture is their rituals and beliefs. Native American beliefs are deeply rooted in their culture...
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...From the time we are born we have expectations in society to abide by. Girls are put in “girl” colors; boys are put in “boy” colors. If you ask someone why those are “girl” colors or “boy” colors the response is generally “because they are”. Who decided that those colors have a gender preference? Who even decided those are those colors? This class led me to question society itself and realize we give things an identity based on what we are told. The most important thing I learned was the inverted spectrum. I am going to define what the inverted spectrum is, explain what it is, and provide examples how it applies to everyday lives. Then I will explain that the inverted spectrum is important to me because in reality no one can understand my mental state no matter how I explain it, I learned to think for myself, and perception is our reality even though it may be completely false. I will then explain some counter arguments against my reasons such as knowing someone’s mental state because of a similar event or emotion and that we believe what we believe based on facts that are then passed down from person to person. Then I will explain how the counter arguments are incorrect. Finally, I will conclude my argument. The inverted spectrum suggests things are not just input, output because of our own experiences. We do not learn through input and output such as mathematics but our experiences. What this means is someone could pick up a pink crayon but see black but are always told...
Words: 3935 - Pages: 16
...Eric Grimes Hsiang-Wang Liu World Civilizations III November 11, 2012 The Wealth and Poverty of Nations Why Some Are So Rich and Some Are So Poor The book, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why some are so rich and some are so poor, discusses that the characteristics of a society’s cultural history is the key to explaining success, in today’s global world. It also discusses why they achieve economic success while others remain mired in poverty. This book was written by David Landes, a professor of history and economics at Harvard University. The book was first published in 1998. It is based off of Adam Smith’s, The Wealth of Nations, written in 1776. The moral of this book describes how the writer explores the differences between the West and the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The book explains how our people got to a certain place in the world and the difficulties getting there. David Landes believes that this topic is overdue for discussion and feels he should step up to the subject. Landes starts with discussing the geography of the nations. He mentions in chapter one that many rich countries lie in the temperate zones, particularly in the northern hemisphere and the poor countries are in the tropics and semi- tropics. Philosophers believe that “this reveals the deepseated optimistic bias with which we approach problems of development and the reluctance to admit the vast differences in initial conditions with which today’s poor countries are faced...
Words: 958 - Pages: 4
...Hsiang-Wang Liu World Civilizations III November 11, 2012 The Wealth and Poverty of Nations Why Some Are So Rich and Some Are So Poor The book, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why some are so rich and some are so poor, discusses that the characteristics of a society’s cultural history is the key to explaining success, in today’s global world. It also discusses why they achieve economic success while others remain mired in poverty. This book was written by David Landes, a professor of history and economics at Harvard University. The book was first published in 1998. It is based off of Adam Smith’s, The Wealth of Nations, written in 1776. The moral of this book describes how the writer explores the differences between the West and the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The book explains how our people got to a certain place in the world and the difficulties getting there. David Landes believes that this topic is overdue for discussion and feels he should step up to the subject. Landes starts with discussing the geography of the nations. He mentions in chapter one that many rich countries lie in the temperate zones, particularly in the northern hemisphere and the poor countries are in the tropics and semi- tropics. Philosophers believe that “this reveals the deepseated optimistic bias with which we approach problems of development and the reluctance to admit the vast differences in initial conditions with which today’s poor countries are faced compared...
Words: 956 - Pages: 4
...many influential people who have holidays. Some of which include Veteran’s Day, Christopher Columbus Day, and President’s Day. Although all of these holidays are important, there is one person who deserves their own holiday just as much. That person is Anne Frank. She is an extremely inspiring and influential individual who has moved millions of people all around the world. Anne was not only in hiding for two years but she believed people were still good and because of that, is an inspiration to people all over the world. As you will see, she was such an important and inspiring girl to so many people world wide, she needs a holiday to celebrate her hope and optimism. The first reason she deserves a holiday is because of her extreme situation during the holocaust. Anne...
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...They’re typically written with rising action, an intense climax, and a satisfying resolution. History, on the opposing hand, isn’t so simple. It continues to go on regardless of its many climaxes. To some critics, history can never give a decided ending. The Colonial era would serve as an example of that. The founding of America was a title wave of various controversies as well as having many ups and downs. The only resolution to such undependability, according to the leaders of that time period, was the eventual signing of the Declaration of Independence. The reason for this declarative action by the colonists was due to the indecisive and power tightfisted British government. To better understand this claim, it’s imperative to first analyze the origins of Colonial America. A question that ought to be asked is, why colonize? It was no doubt a risky endeavor by the British Commonwealth. Some critics, such as Christopher Columbus, would argue that it was due to religious attempts to expand Faith. It was in fact, something entirely different - power. It was a power move for the English leaders to encourage colonization in the New World. Eric Foner said it best, “National power and glory, they argued,...
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...TOPIC 1: THE AMERINDIANS Week 1: THE ARAWAKS (Theme One) PAPER: CORE CONTENT----BAHAMIAN-WEST INDIAN HISTORY References: Bahamian History Bk.I by Bain, G. Macmillan,1983 2.Caribbean story Bk. I and II By Claypole, W Longman (new edition) 1987 3. Development to Decolonization by Greenwood R, Macmillan, 1987 4.Caribbean people Bk.I by Lennox Honeychurch. Nelson, 1979 The Migration of the Indians to the New World. It is believed that the people who Columbus saw when he came to the New World were nomadic hunters from central and East Asia who followed the buffalo and deer. When the herds moved, people moved after them because they were dependent on the animals for food. It is therefore suspected that the herds led the people out of Asia by the north-east, across the Bering Strait and into North America. They crossed the sea by an ice –bridge when it was frozen over during the last Ice-Age. They did not know that they were crossing water from one continent to another. Map 1 Amerindians migration from central Asia into North America. The Amerindians settled throughout North America and were the ancestors of the many Red Indian tribes we know today, as well as the Eskimos in the far north. In general, they were nomadic but some followed settled agricultural pursuits and developed civilizations of their own like the Mayas in South America (check internet reference for profile on this group, focus on...
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...Suzan Shown Harjo remembers going to the store with her grandfather in El Reno, Oklahoma. At the age of 6, Harjo was a victim of discrimination while purchasing a cold beverage. The storeowner demanded Harjo and her grandfather to leave. The owner replied, “No black redskins in here”. After the incident occurred, Harjo felt afraid because of the color of her skin. The term redskin is a derogatory and offensive word to insult a Native American. Native Americans have been an important and beneficial part of our history. Before Christopher Columbus set sailed, Native Americans lived peacefully and thrived. Native Americans have been inflicted with agony of discrimination since Columbus landed in 1492. Now an adult, Harjo began a mission for Native Americans so they shouldn’t face discrimination like she once did. She focused part of her work on the removal of Native Americans as mascots. In an interview, Harjo explains that the Washington Redskins is a prime example of an offensive mascot. She refers redskin to the R-word because she believes it has the same meaning as the N-word. (http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2013/04/04/native-american-mascots-pride-or-prejudice/) When searching the definition in Merriam-Webster, it’s defined as an offensive word and shouldn’t be used. In...
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...A Great Nation with Many Questions The American citizens of this great nation, as a whole, are ready to concede that the United States of America was not founded with Christian principles or with any basis of religion. In ten years, no one will question whether we were founded as a Christian nation or not. Is this something that American citizens are willing to concede? Our founding fathers never directly made reference to Christianity or religion, but it certainly was referenced. Think of how the United States of America would be if its foundation was not one with Christian principles, not a united country, a country without good moral values. Historically, whether many believe it or not, the United States of America is a Christian nation. American was founded by the Pilgrims and Puritans in the early 1600’s. They came to America to be able to practice religious freedom and for other reasons. England decided that they wanted to break away from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500’s, thus the creation of the Church of England, otherwise known as the Anglican Church. The pilgrims not wanting to belong to the Church of England decided that they wanted to establish a colony in the state of Virginia. They wanted to practice religious freedom and have the Gospel as part of their lives. According to you tube video, “Pilgrims and their journey” by Amwess1 the pilgrims left for America in 1620 on the Mayflower. After more than sixty days they made land at Plymouth, Massachusetts...
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...1. Yali’s question was “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” (14). One commonly espoused answer is the varying intelligence based on genetics (19). Jared Diamond disputes this by stating that evidence that “human differences in intelligence…parallel human differences in technology is lacking” (19). He also states that, in example, New Guineans who were raised in remote villages and were unschooled may seem stupid to Westerners in large cities. In contrast, when Westerners who visit remote villages in New Guinea seem stupid to the local population (20). The varying definitions and types of intelligent make it unreasonable to compare intelligence of genetically varying people, especially from different environments. Another commonly espoused answer is the differences in climate stimulate human energy and creativity to develop technology. Cold climates encourages one to build a warm home and clothing, while in hotter climates, simpler homes and less clothing(22). Diamond, however, states that, also in example, the people of northern Europe did not create anything important to the Eurasian civilizations until the last couple thousands of years, and simply had the luck to live in an environment that would receive...
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