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Exploratory Factor Analysis Essay

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Step 3: Conducting an Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is a technique to find the latent variable(s) that is being manifested by a set of observable variables. In our research, EFA was used with the objective to find if our latent variable had multiple dimensions or not (Williams, Onsman, & Brown, 2010). An important assumption of EFA is that observed variables should be multivariate normal 14. However this assumption was violated for our data. If multivariate normality assumption is violated then it is recommended to use the “Principal axis factors” method which is also known as “Principal Factor” as appose to the Maximum Likelihood factor analysis method (Fabrigar, Wegener, MacCallum, & Strahan, 1999). The difference between these two methods lies in the differences between the discrepancy function that they minimize (See Appendix). …show more content…
At times researcher often like to see the number of respondents to item/question ratio, however there is no strong consensus on an acceptable rule of thumb (Hogarty, Hines, Kromrey, Ferron, & Mumford, 2005), we nonetheless report the KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) measure of sampling adequacy for all the non-cognitive skills in table. The purpose of the KMO 15 measure is to show if there are enough questions/ items that are being predicted by each factor, hence a low value would suggest that variables don’t have much in common. We find that our KMO measures for Social Competency, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy for round 2 have values that are satisfactory, whereas for the remaining non-cognitive skills KMO values for both rounds are

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