Premium Essay

Face the Fats


Submitted By evilangel09
Words 378
Pages 2
According to the “Face the Fats” article we have bad fats, better fats and then best fats. Bad fats are considered to be trans-fat and saturated fats. Bad fat would be anything with butter in it or on it. Examples of saturated fats would be loaded potatoes, deserts and even steaks. Trans fat would be anything fried such as French fries, fried chicken, or anything really greasy. Better fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fat. These fats are better for you and better for your heart health as well. Examples of better fats would be canola oil and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats contain omega 3 and omega 6. In order to find the amounts of these fats you should subtract your saturated and trans fat and then you’re left with poly and mono fats. The best fats would be the fats that your body needs like omega 3.
Saturated fats is anything that has butter in or on it. These fats are found mostly in fast food restaurants. This fat is derived from animal products but also comes from dairy, meat and eggs. Unsaturated fat is derived from plan products. Trans fatty acid is the process of adding hydrogen to vegetable oil however this is really bad for your cholesterol. Hydrogenated fat is when hydrogen is added to liquid oil and it is turned to a solid form like Crisco. Trans fatty acids are very harmful to your cholesterol levels.
The function of lipids in the body is for energy storage in the body. Lipids are also the difference between good and bad cholesterol. The function of fiber in the body is to pass through the digestive system and break down nutrients.
Good sources of Dietary fibers is a high fiber diet which would include foods like turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, navy beans, eggplant, raspberries and cinnamon. You can also take fiber supplements sold at most stores.
The difference between insoluble and soluble fiber is insoluble

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