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Facial Appearance History

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Facials and how they've changed from the 1900s to 2000s - Kilee Rupert

Facials have come a long way since the early 1900s but one thing that has no changed has been that women still want to look their best. Appearance has meant a lot to us, as Americans. It is a very important part of life and the first thing people notice with a first impression. Our society has a cream, pill, topical lotion, or ointment, to treat everything nowadays. Some companies that started in the 1800's or 1900's are still around, such as Pond's and Listerine.

In the 1900s, it was all about your complexion. The complexion of the skin was the first thing that was noticed with women. With men, it was the facial hair. Around this time was when people started discovering …show more content…
More make up is coming up now and advertising is all about fashion and beauty with the make up. It seems almost though people are becoming more serious about their skin and complexion. Creams are to help the skin have a glow and shield the skin from outside dirt and debris. Soaps are still the hot ticket in the 1950s but we start to see more deep cleansers being introduced. With each decade comes a new and more effective cream or cleanser. Palmolive soap is big at this time. What is new, however, is a liquid cleaner. We start to see different textures of cleaners and …show more content…
Make up may have been a bit crazy or over done but the complexion of the skin is always wanted to be calm and pristine. Darker skin is finally starting to get some attention to help with the softening of any impurities that may be on the skin. No matter the color, race, shape, or texture of the face, there is always room to improve the color and tone to give almost a matte finish. Another new and hot tool at this time were facial products that would diminish and eliminate dark spots and any other imperfections on the skin. We start to see things such as 7 week treatments coming out and they promote a healthy looking skin tone after the 7 weeks of using their creams and cleaning bars, twice a day. The 1990's is coming out with more and more colors from darker skin tones. There are now so many different brands out there for tones of skin lines, whether it may be makeup, skin clearing cleaners, day to day cleaners, moisturizers, and sun screens. Even oil free moisturizers are coming around, for those who have excess oil

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