...The Author Guida Diehl was the founder and leader of the Newland Movement, which pre-dated the Nazi Party by at least six years. She came from a nationalist and anti-Semitic family, and only joined the Nazi Party in August 1930. Following the advice of Adolf Stocker, who hated Jews and supported the emancipation of unmarried women, she attended social-work school and later worked as a teacher of social work in Frankfurt. Diehl constantly preached a spiritualist, quasi-Christian, and nationalist message, that went against the postwar values of Americanism, materialism, and mammonism, which threatened to overpower Volk, God, and fatherland. Diehl wholly supported National Socialist goals, the Nazi’s anti-communism and anti-Semitism, and was particularly concerned with stemming the tide of moral ‘filth’ including the campaign to legalize abortion. Diehl was installed as ‘cultural advisor’ in the Nazi Party, but by 1936 had lost any appreciable political influence or organizational role. The Document in its Historical Context The title of the document undergoing analysis is, “A New Type of Woman”, and “Principles of the National Socialist Women’s Organizations” (the document), both from the book ‘Die deutsche Frau und der National Sozialismus (The German Woman and National Socialism), and published in 1932. “A New Type of Woman”, as written by Guida Diehl, outlines what characteristics a German woman should possess, and what type of woman she should aspire to become....
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...Part 4 1914-Present 1. Hitler caused wwii The main thing that started wwii was Hitler being a little bitch and he bombed Poland and a couple years later Germany took parts of Africa and England. 2. Treaty of Versailles led to fall of Germanys economy Treaty of Versailles had to pay a lot of money for war reparations to France and then they ended up being broke and they would try to print off money and when they did that caused inflation. 3. Assassination Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand began WWI When Arch Duke was assassinated that started WWI because his death set the focal point for war and would make major powers in Europe prepare for battle. 4. WWI led...
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...armies/navies to decide issues - Germany began to build up their armies - European nations became alarmed by others military power - Each country tried to build larger/more powerful war machines; new technology Alliance System: Alliances- groups formed in Europe to support each other in attack - War between two nations would involve more than one country - Triple Entente- Russia, Britain, France - Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Nationalism: a feeling of deep loyalty to one’s own land - Germany wanted to make empire - Nationalism strong in Serbia à led to assassination of Duke Franz Ferdinand Imperialism: industrialized countries building oversea empires; desire to have a bigger empire - Major imperialist countries à France, Britain, Russia - Germany wanted to expand/dominate on global scale, but by the time they wanted to build own empire, no valuable territories remained Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, 1914 - Serbian Gavrilo Princip shot Austro-Hungarian Duke Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, on the road back from City Hall; goal was to crush Austria-Hungary’s nationalism Alliances Triple Entente- Russia, Britain, France Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Schlieffen Plans German General that created a plan that was used by the Germans in hope to defeat France Battles Ypres: First use of chemical warfare- Germany Battle of Ypres 1915; Chlorine gas strips...
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