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Describe Learning


Submitted By MrGibbs08
Words 959
Pages 4
I would explain learning, as using the God given gift we already have to be successful in the classroom and in everyday life. We all have certain learning patterns that we really don’t realize, until we are taught what they are and how to use them. My views on learning have really changed from this class. I’m very grateful to have learned all the info I did about how my brain works. I always struggled with certain areas when learning a new task and never understood why. Now I know from my learning patterns that those things I struggled with, can be used as a strength to learn. I’ve learned that if you make a serious effort to grasp a subject that you can become a successful learner.
I use my sequence learning pattern a lot in my everyday life, but mainly on the basketball court. I like to plan things out as far as my workouts go. I cant afford to think unclear when it comes to that! The way I’ve been utilizing my use 1st sequence in this class is breaking my steps down in order they need to be completed. Then planning the assignments out from top to bottom and trying my best to finish them on time.
I have always used precision a lot more recently, especially in my job where I wok with kids. I had to make sure I knew every bit of detail about the job before I started it. I asked my boss many questions, some that proboably got on his nerves but I needed to know. I do not like having any doubt and when I do I ask questions. I took notes when he was explaining the job so that I could go back and review if there were ever any problems. I started doing more research on the task so that I could have all the knowledge just in case I ever had to prove that I was right.

In life I use my technical pattern, mainly when doing different projects around the house. For example, I bought a bed a month ago and put it together myself. It came with directions, but I started to

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