...Unit 1 IP Introduction to Humanities By Amber Brooker Abstract In this essay, I created a chart to compare and contrast elements of early Greek and Roman cultures. Greek/Roman Comparing Chart Category | Greek | Roman | Art | Greek Temple Architecture was an important form of art in Early Greece. The Greeks developed three architectural systems called Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Each one was distinctive in its style and design. Greek Pottery was another important form of art in Early Greece. The paintings on the pottery found from early Greece has survived for centuries and these pieces give a glimpse into the culture and lives of Early Greece. Sculptures were important too, they consisted of small figurines and life-size statutes. Sculptures were created using marble, limestone, stone, and other materials. The sculptures created told stories of Heroes, Gods, Mythical Creatures, Important Events, and the culture of Greece | Roman Statues were developed from copying the art from the Greeks. Statues were made of gods and important leaders. Their statues showed a great sense of skill and originality. Roman sculptures were designed for the purpose of telling the significant history of the culture. Besides the sculptures, statues, and paintings in Rome, Mosaics were also popular. Mosaics were made with geometric shapes of stone and placed in different shapes to create the desired look. | Geography | Greece is a peninsula that is composed of even smaller peninsulas...
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...INTRODUCTION TO HUMANITIES Your Name Name of Your Institution Abstract Compare and contrast distinguishing elements or features of early Greek and Roman cultures, including but not limited to, government, geographical terrain, economics and trade practices, art and architecture, philosophical and religious differences. COMPARE AND CONTRAST GREEK AND ROMAN EARLY CIVILIZATION GREEK CIVILIZATION | ROMAN CIVILIZATION | | | Geography: Greece comprise of Mediterranean countries. However, terrain is hilly countryside and were near water. Cities that were created around Mediterranean Sea are known as colonies. | Geography: Also Mediterranean countries; however, more inland, on one side Tiber River, Italic tribes did not have natural hilly borders. Around Naples there was fertile land and rich soil. It covered Italian peninsula where small villages were set around hills. | Economics: Main resource was agriculture. Produced enough wheat for own survival; but, bad agricultural practices showed the in-capabilities of Greeks. Wine and olive oil were chief imports. They thought themselves more superior and considered some work as degrading to them. Greek paid less attention on technology. Due to having slaves, many hardest tasks were done by the cheap labor-slaves. | Economics: Romans also were involved in farming; however, were imported most of their wheat. Trading helped their economy. They exported wine and olive oil. Romans...
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...Unit 1 IP Introduction to Humanities HUMA215-1101B-08 Topics in Cultural Studies Terry Meeks American Intercontinental University Instructor: J. Anderson March 27, 2011 Abstract Many ancient cultures existed throughout time but none as popular as ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Although Rome eventually became powerful and ruled over Greece, much of Roman art, architecture, and religion were adopted from the cultures they conquered and were adapted to meet the needs of the Roman Empire. Much of the Roman society mocked that of ancient Greece. | ANCIENT GREEK CULTURE | ANCIENT ROMAN CULTURE | GEOGRAPHY AND GOVERNMENT | Athens was the center of the Greek world in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE. Athens was the capital of Greece and its name was taken from the Greek goddess Athena. Athens was symbolic of art, freedom, and democracy (the prevailing government of ancient Greece introduced around 500 BCE by an aristocrat). Athens was just one of over 800 city states that made up ancient Greece. Several city states (comparable to a modern county) were isolated from each other and the mainland as they were located on islands that made up the fractured geography of ancient Greece. These islands were located in the Aegean Sea and reached around the Mediterranean to peninsula of Italy and to the shores of Asia Minor. Each city state considered itself a cultural center. City states of ancient Greece were very independent however they remained loyal to Greece...
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...A 1. This poem touched my heart and made me feel great compassion for the author. She wrote about how she feels the world perceives her. In the first paragraph, she describes how people can metaphorically step on her and crush her into the dirt, but she and her spirit could not be crushed. She also mentions how history depicts her in a negative light. People tend to believe what they read, even if it is not accurate. In the next paragraph, she describes how she is outspoken and how that makes others uncomfortable. Even though she may not have experience financial freedom, she was able to exert confidence. She explains that no matter the circumstance, even if she is mistreated, she will not give up. The writer then asks the public if she should appear crushed and broken, but she will not let that happen. She may be sad on the inside, but on the outside, she will present as strong and confident. During the poem, she is still concerned about public opinion. This is evident when she says “does my haughtiness offend you?” ( Angelou, M. 1978 ).In general, we the people, do not like to be judged or be different. We tend to conform to society’s expectations and rules. This poem illustrates how strong a person can be. It tells the story that a person can overcome pain, criticism and past experiences. It tells us in the end, that a person’s will power cannot be defeated. A 2. The one aspect that most interested me was when she wrote about how she would, “ still I’ll rise”...
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...Although the Chinese experimented with block printing by the 11th century, Johannes Gutenberg created movable type in the 15th century and invented a machine that is widely known as the printing press (History of the Printing Press, 2007, The Story section, para. 2). This significant discovery led to the publication of books that promoted literacy and expanded knowledge. This paper provides a background and analysis of the social, economic, and political factors that influenced this important discovery. As a result of this invention, the expansion of knowledge challenged many traditional beliefs and created a paradigm shift in human relationships among different regions of the world. There were Social, Economic, and Political Factors that played a huge role in the printing press as well. During the late medieval times, society was making a change into the coming years. Occurring was a pickup in social factors that lead to emerging capitalism, this sparked off more literacy among the wealthy and upper, middle-class. With new interest of literacy and knowledge, the printing press did not satisfy the demand. Manuscripts, prior to the discovery of the printing press, took years to develop. Thereafter, pages were published using time-consuming wood graving techniques with limited reusability. Pages were compromised of a number of blocks jointed together to raise the words off the page and were then pressed and copied onto another (Ament, 2007). Gutenberg first experimented...
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...1. Which environment is least likely to be inhabited by pastoralists? (Points : 1) grasslands savannahs tropical forests deserts 2. Chiefdoms, unlike bands and tribes, have permanent political positions and regulate the regions they govern. (Points : 1) True False 3. The main difference between egalitarian and ranked societies is that in the latter: (Points : 1) there are marked differences in wealth among the classes. an individual’s social rank is not influenced by his or her kinship relations. there are a fixed number of statuses into which only certain individuals are recruited, so not everyone has access to honored offices or titles. leadership statuses are less formal and more open to all. 4. Chiefdoms likely started: (Points : 1) as the earliest form of political unit known to archaeologists. because of a need for control of distribution and exchange. as a means to maintain an egalitarian lifestyle. because of a decrease in population. 5. The levirate is a marriage custom in which: (Points : 1) a widow marries the brother or another close relative of her dead husband. a widower marries the sister or another close relative of his dead wife. a person marries a cross-cousin. a person marries a parallel cousin. 6. Polynesian chiefs: (Points : 1) must use their personal charisma and skill to gain their positions...
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...Does having more control over the camera enable better photographs to be taken? Introduction The digital world of photography change how humanity communicates and exchange images in a matter of few seconds provoking to have less privacy in your everyday life. Digital photos in the Web are very common, which is a useful tool for people to share memories and personal events, but once the pictures are downloaded and shared it’s impossible to erase. Almost everyone have digital access from either a camera phone or digital camera, which creates a whole new era of artistic art that helps humans to express feelings and emotions (Helmut and Alison, 2011). Technology made it easier to play and experiment with common features of devices and programs to have a variety of pictures with different effects that creates artistic photos. Digital Photography transforms the view on how humanity has access to instant photos from family and friends, editing, and digital artistic. Discussion Capturing digital images comes back in 1960s where NASA use digital signals to capture the surface of the moon with the help of computer technology to improve the images that the space probes were sending. The government used satellites to spy and helped to advanced digital imaging. The private sectors made big contributions like Texas Instruments invented a film-less electronic camera in 1972. Sony released an electronic camera that recorded images onto a mini disc (Helmut and Alison, 2011). According...
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...Medical Humanities—Pre-Medicine concentration elective course list 15 semester credit elective hours in social and behavioral sciences, 9 of which must be upper-division, and 3 from the *core curriculum, chosen from the following: ANT 2033 Introduction to Physical Anthropology *ANT 2053 Cultural Anthropology (fulfills 080 Social and Behavioral Science) *ANT 2063 Language, Thought, and Culture (fulfills 090 Component Area Option) ANT 3513 The Human Skeleton ANT 3523 Medical Anthropology ANT 3883 Death and Dying BIO 1033 Drugs and Society BIO 3613 The Biology of Aging GRG 3443 Medical Geography *HTH 2413 Introduction to Community and Public Health (fulfills 080 Social and Behavioral Science or 090 Component Area Option) *HTH 2513 Personal Health (fulfills 080 Social and Behavioral Science or 090 Component Area Option) PSY 2073 Statistics for Psychology PSY 3023 Social Psychology of Small Groups PSY 3513 Developmental Psychopathology PSY 3523 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging PSY 3543 Introduction to Clinical Psychology PSY 4253 Psychology and Health SOC 1043 Introduction to Public Health *SOC 2023 Social Context of Drug Use (fulfills 080 Social Behavioral Science or 090 Component Area Option) SOC 3203 Gerontology SOC 3213 Medical Sociology SOC 4043 Global Health SOC 4053 Health Care Systems SOC 4073 Social and Behavioral Theories in Public Health SOC 4683 Health Disparities 15 additional semester credit elective hours in arts and...
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...Worldview such as God, Humanity, Jesus, and Restoration; I will then analyze questions one might have about the Christian Worldview, and finally I will reflect on my worldview. God God is our creator; He came before us and created the universe as we know it. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1 NIV). “The origin of the universe began with God, and began with great wisdom.” (“Lecture 2”, 2015) This makes true the statement from Lecture 2 God is a sovereign creator. Along with being sovereign, God possesses many other impressive characteristics. Through the Bible, He is described as a loving God (John 3), a faithful God (Psalms 36), a righteous God (Psalms 145), and a merciful God (Ephesians 2). God can also be described as omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. He is everything and everywhere. This is in part because God is a triune being, three persons in one Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christians believe that God is profoundly Love. The Father’s love for the Son; then Father and Son both have a mutual love for the Holy Spirit. (Merrick, 2014) God can only be their Savior as surely as God is their Creator and Consummator; for God is love, and there is no way for God to be love in relation to sinners except to do all that could conceivably be done by anyone except themselves to save them from their sin. (Ogden, 2005) These are the reasons that Christians hold God above all else. Humanity...
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...table had more to offer than what it looked like it could. There many secrete compartments in this table as used with mechanics. The compartments outlines were disguised by beautiful art and craftsmanship. The table was not only a new invention using their modern science, but was a work of art as well. In conclusion, the three time periods of References: Noble, D. J. (n.d.). An introduction to the Northern Renaissance in the sixteenth century. Retrieved fromhttps://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/northern/northern-ren-16c/a/an-introduction-to-the-northern-renaissance-in-the-sixteenth-century Noble, D. J. (n.d.). An introduction to the Northern Renaissance in the sixteenth century. Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/northern/northern-ren-16c/a/an-introduction-to-the-northern-renaissance-in-the-sixteenth-century Noble, D. J. (n.d.). An introduction to the Northern Renaissance in the sixteenth century. Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/northern/northern-ren-16c/a/an-introduction-to-the-northern-renaissance-in-the-sixteenth-century ...
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...A QUESTION: CHOOSE ANY ONE THEORY PERSPECTIVE IN ANTHROPOLOGY AND GIVE ITS STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING HUMANITY In a bid to fully understand the subject of anthropology, a number of theories have been coined, In as much these theories which takes in Marxism, Functionalism, Evolution perspective among other have done justice in their attempt to give light on the subject of humanity, they have been found wanting in some respects. This essay will discuss the evolution perspective and show its strength and weaknesses. Anthropology is defined by Wolf E (1994) as the study of humans which takes a broad approach to understand the many different aspects of human experience and to achieve this anthropologists consider the past , through archeology, to see how human groups lived, they also consider what makes mans biological bodies and genetics, they even go to the extent of comparing humans with other animals to ascertain how humans are similar and different from these. In general they draw and builds upon knowledge from social and biological sciences, as well as the humanities and the natural sciences. Evolution theory perspective or evolution anthropology as it is sometimes referred to is defined by Barnard A (2000) as the interdisciplinary study of the evolution of human physiology...
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...‘I, Robot’ demonstrates a world in dystopia where technology is in control. Discuss this statement making close references to the text. Introduction: 1. Define any key terms 2. Rephrase the question adding your interpretation 3. Introduce the text 4. Highlight the key ideas you are going to discuss 5. State how you will explore the key ideas = 1 paragraph (minimum of 3 sentences). Body Points: S (statement); E (explanation); E (evidence); L (link) 1. Take each key idea in the order you placed it in the introduction and base your topic sentence on this. 2. Develop the first idea highlighted explaining how it is presented in the text in a scene or key event AND through a particular technique used 3. Provide evidence of the technique with a quote if you can to justify the development of your idea 4. Link your point back to the question Science fiction is a genre that deals with imagination based on scientific knowledge to show futuristic settings, and technological advancements (1). In many science fiction texts, the effects of scientific or technological advancements are often explored, together with depictions of the concerns these may raise (2). In the film, ‘I, Robot’ (2004) directed by Alex Proyas, a world of dystopia is apparent as a result of technology controlling society (3). Setting, characterisation and the theme of technology being out of control (4) will be explored in more details in the following essay. Techniques will...
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...the Humanities Although the humanities are often a subject of bitter debate in school today, when the most important thing seems to be to acquire marketable skills, many people acknowledge the importance of the humanities to education and the world overall. Yet, too often, when people discuss the salient features of the humanities, they narrowly and overly focus on the Western traditions. However, many important characteristics of the humanities can be found in the Eastern tradition as well, and in Chinese literature in particular. This essay discusses how some common Chinese stories exemplify vital aspects of the humanities and consequently increase our understanding of culture. First, what are the humanities? According to Stanford University, “The humanities can be described as the study of the myriad ways in which people, from every period of history and from every corner of the globe, process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world” (Stanford University). Often, humanities classes focus on these topics – yet all too often, students learn a narrow view of the humanities, one that seems to assume the world began in Greece and ended in America. Although people often viciously criticize the humanities, since the correlation between studying them and earning a big paycheck is a difficult logical leap for some people, the humanities are...
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...Defining the Humanities University of Phoenix Tara Brigham HUM/100 Introduction to the Humanities Professor Marilyn Olander June 27, 2011 Humanities can be defined as human characteristics or different branches of learning. Humanities have affected every culture. One cultural event that I have experienced and I have seen how humanities have changed it over the years is music. Music that is made and played has evolved as humans have evolved over the years. The first music was made during the Middle Ages. The first two types or styles of music were monophonic and polyphonic. The Renaissance period came next and changed the way music was created and perceived. The Baroque period came after the Renaissance period. During the Baroque period composers experimented with different styles and instruments. Classical music came from the Baroque period. Classical music allowed the composer to tell a story or express his or her feelings through the music. The Romantic period was next. Composers experimented with different instruments including wind instruments. The music was more dramatic than any other time period. After the Romantic period came the 20th century. Music in the 20th century allowed the composer and artist to use technology to enhance the compositions. And now in the we have different styles and types of music because of the humanistic of music. We have country, rap, rhythm & blues, soul, gospel just to name a few...
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...Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Charles Colson Introduction Two men, now deceased, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel Prize-winning Russian author and critic of the Soviet system, and Charles Colson, the once-infamous Nixon attorney who became a committed follower of Jesus argued that the West has forfeited its responsibility to uphold moral virtue. "When a government starts an earnest fight against terrorism, public opinion immediately accuses it of violating terrorists' civil rights." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1978). Two powerful essays by two very different individuals have challenged humanity to reflect on their moral obligation. Discussion Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn One of the most influential speeches of the 20th century was delivered by Solzhenitsyn at Harvard University's Commencement on June 8, 1978. Acknowledging Harvard's motto "Veritas", "Truth is seldom pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1978). Although his political references are somewhat antiquated (communism vs. the West), his cultural, social and moral critiques are as thought provoking today as they were a decade before the iron curtain fell. And he did not mince his words. His message was deep and wide. He challenged the West's decline in courage and its legalistic life, short sightedness, loss of willpower and humanism. He even claimed "the press has become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. One would...
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