a. Explain a learning theory observed in the video.
The Learning theory used in this video is cognitive learning. The basics of cognitive learning theories view thought as an active pursuit, a basis of experience is used to form new information, a persons view detailing new information, a social environment to take on new knowledge, and practicing with this new knowledge to build on new information .By learning in a social environment, children enlarge their collection of experiences by considering the experiences of others. The process of learning is intensified with memory of past experiences and with new ones. By using these thoughts to form a learning environment the teacher makes the learning environment more natural to the students. Cognitive learning theories infuse the classroom curriculum with meaningful interaction .This theory had major input from theorist Piaget who believed that child play is critical for development of intelligence and that children learn by doing more so than other learning methods. Cooperative learning is part of Cognitive learning. During cooperative learning students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively toward academic goals. Students are shown how to help each other overcome problems and complete whatever task has been assigned. This may involve episodes of peer tutoring, temporary assistance, exchanges of information and material, challenging of each others reasoning, feedback, and encouragement to keep one another motivated.
b. Describe the observed teaching situation in terms of group characteristics, seating arrangement, and any additional criteria necessary to present the setting of the learning environment.
The students were placed in small groups of 6. They were diverse groups of mostly white students but also had Asian, Hispanic and African American students. Groups also had mix of male and