Premium Essay

Factor Affects Our Food Choices


Submitted By Ashan
Words 1131
Pages 5
Factors That Affect Our Food Choices.
A group of friends goes out for lunch every Friday night. A Worker who is asked to explain why hot dogs are his favorite food says it has something to do with going to baseball game with his father. Student from china feels dissatisfied unless he eats a bowl of rice daily. Or a parent punishes a child for misbehaving by withholding ice-cream. What do these people have in common? They are all using food for something other than its nutrients value. Can you think of the holiday that isn’t celebrated with food? For most us food is worth more than a combination of nutrients it’s about the flavorsome, sweetness, celebration, joy-some all though there are a lot of factors that affect what we choose to consume especially in present time’s factors that affects person ability to make their food choices include, e.g. marketing and promotion of food products, economic status of the family, Comfort-or-discomfort of food towards the person, and we need to consider these factors when making our food choices.
Firstly the most persuasive and influential factor that we need to consider when making food choices is marketing and promotion, nowadays advertising companies uses aggressive and deceptive advertising techniques to butter up people into buying their unhealthy and poor quality products which are high-fat and high-sugar. In a survey carried outside the market place found that around 70 percent of the consumer decides, what to buy while shopping at a market place. Now the power of advertisement can be appreciated when you look at the sells figure of the Kellogg’s All-Bran cereal when launched in mid-1980 suggesting that “high-fibre diet would reduce the risk of cancer” this increased the sales of the product within a month and also increased the sales of other high-fibre cereal products dramatically. Another example would be the oat bran

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