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Factors Affecting Export Performance of Pakistan Furniture Industry


Submitted By Hooreen
Words 2994
Pages 12
This paper focuses on the factors which are affecting export performance of Pakistan furniture industry. The study provides a brief overview of the problems which are creating hindrance for furniture exporters. Also, it provides some suggestions and recommendations to the government and furniture exporters through which they can improve their performance of exports. The study concludes the factors both exogenous and endogenous, which prove to be creating obstacles in the export of furniture.
Pakistan has been unable to grasp a good position in the international wooden furniture market despite the fact that the country has a history of dexterity and novelty in the furniture making. The wooden furniture industry represents 95% of the total market in the country. Pakistan is heavily dependent on Sheesham (rosewood) for furniture manufacturing. The primary areas of furniture makers in Pakistan are Chiniot, Gujrat, Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi and the furniture exported by Pakistan is usually made by rosewood and metals, however, some products are also made from walnut wood. Pakistan is exporter to about 80 countries, which mainly include USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. USA mostly imports bedroom furniture from Pakistan, whereas UK and Gulf countries along with bedroom furniture also trade in office and kitchen furniture.
The wood and furniture industry in Pakistan can be divided into two main types i.e. cottage and small scale industry. Both of these units use outdated machinery and manual labor for manufacturing wooden furniture. There are about 700 registered units in the country. These units are operating on a single shift/300 day’s per annum basis. The export of furniture increased up to 42 percent in the first 11 months of 2002-03 because of the attention given to quality and aggressive marketing which enabled

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