...invested on the business. For instance, accommodation services for hotels and restaurants can be divided into several categories which include house keeping, booking, and communication and administration services (Lewry, 2012, p.2). The front office services for hotels and restaurants can also be under several categories which include bell service, room allocation services, concierge, information and mails, night auditors and cashiers. Accommodation services generally provide the clients or guest with comfortable, welcoming, attractive and clean services (Lewry, 2012, p.2). Other organizations like learning institutions offer accommodation and front office services as well. For example, higher education organizations like universities and colleges offer accommodation inform of hostels. Accommodation services in these institutions include booking, administration and communication services whereas the front office services include cashiers, enquiries and room allocation services. 1.2 Analyse the roles and responsibilities of a range of accommodation and reception services staff M1: You should adopt a suitable strategy to identify responsibilities of reception service staff of an organization of your choice (Merit M1) Front office and accommodation services are divided into different departments and have several functions (Lewry, 2012, p.2). For example, Hilton Garden Inn Luton North is a hotel and restaurant located in the United Kingdom. The front office has several duties...
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...November 2010 Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry: A Case Study from Sicily Gandolfo Dominici (Corresponding author) Facoltà di Economia, Dip. S.E.A.F., Università di Palermo viale delle Scienze ed.13, 90128, Palermo, Italy E-mail: gandolfodominici@unipa.it Rosa Guzzo Facoltà di Economia, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze ed.13, 90128, Palermo, Italy E-mail: rosyguzzo@hotmail.it Abstract In order to be successful in the market it is not sufficient to attract new customers managers must concentrate on retaining existing customers implementing effective policies of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In hotel industry customer satisfaction is largely hooked upon quality of service. A management approach focused on customer satisfaction can improve customer loyalty, thus increasing the positive image of the touristic destination. Hence, exploring the importance for customers of hotel attributes in hotel selection is indispensable. Research on the topic of guest satisfaction, which translates into the consideration of whether or not customers will return to a hotel or advise it to other tourists, is pivotal to the success of the hospitality business. Neglecting to pay attention to those hotel attributes considered most important by guests, may lead to negative evaluation of the hotel, thus restricting the chance of repeat patronage. We perform a qualitative analysis of a large hotel in Sicily (IT), the Sporting Club Hotel in the town Cefalù, using the Critical Incident...
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...Why In-House Restaurants Become a Support Center Rather Than a Revenue Center: An Exploration of Possible Causes and Solutions for This Problem TIM 314 Hotel Management Bill Self Melanie Ho Danelle Shimabukuro Molly Thompson Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find why in-house restaurants become a support center rather than a revenue center. This question came about when our team realized that hotel restaurants are not as popular as other restaurants and are not performing to the maximum level of customer satisfaction. This review researches to find evidence of consumer satisfaction and hotel restaurant management. Design/methodology/approach: This paper reviews consumer attitudes and service relations of the hotel restaurants management. We examine the different causes that degrade the name of hotel restaurants. Our groups research is also looking into different solutions to the problem, a possible solution would be the action of outsourcing hotel restaurants. Findings: This paper identifies the issues that affect the consumer attitudes toward hotel restaurants which then in turns reduce the popularity of the hotel restaurant. We found the attitudes of past and current opinions of hotel restaurants. Traditional fine dining hotel restaurants are not as popular as they use to be so they are using different methods to fix that problem such as outsourcing or revamping them...
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...| Hospitality and Restaurant Management As an In-Demand Course: | A Survey Study | | Peter Jay Obillo | 10/1/2013 | | CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM Background of the Study In the annual rate of enrollees at Panpacific University North Philippines, The College of Hotel and Restaurant Management takes the place of one of the courses that has a high percentage of enrollments every year in the other courses offered. This result shows that many students are giving interest of taking up Hotel and Restaurant Management course. Hospitality Management is one of the courses that is in-demand in the Philippines and all around the world. The program has a very broad scope of subject and skills to be learned, it may come in many names; these are food and beverage, hospitality management, and travel and tourism business, cruise line and maritime. Here are some factors why Hotel and Restaurant Management course is in-Demand: 1.)Wide Range of Opportunities- Hospitality Industry is very huge. You can find different Hospitality companies anywhere in the globe. Because of this you will Have Unlimited opportunities for your career. You can choose to work in your local or find jobs abroad. 2.)Different Career Path- Graduates who study Hotel and Restaurant Management choose a career based on their expertise or shift to another field related to Hospitality Management. You can be a Restaurant Manager, Hotel Manager or any career that is related in hospitality industry. 3.)High...
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...paper Sir, We the student of BBA 1st batch, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, University of Dhaka. In reference to your order to prepare a term paper on Food, Beverage and Bar Management. We have prepared this report by using primary data from Atrium restaurant, Dhaka Regency and Escape from Shanghai and secondary data from our textbook, lecture sheets and internet. We, therefore, hope that you would consider our limitations, restrictions and grant this report and oblige thereby. Faithfully Yours, Members of De Faustine BBA-14th batch Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management University of Dhaka. ----------------------- Arefin Azam Rohan Executive Summary Hospitality industry is a huge industry, food and beverage is an important part of it. After completion of the assignment we have gathered much knowledge and especially first hand experiences. We have visited Dhaka Regency, Atrium Restaurant and Escape from the Shanghai for our field work. We discussed many branches of this industry such as the food and beverage systems of those outlets, the methods of production and services, staffing implications, different menus and factors to develop those, factors that affect the compilation of alcoholic beverage list. Here we also discussed what actions we would take to ensure quality standards, health, safety and security as well as we gave our own point of view and suggestions to improve the outlets in the near future. Every...
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...Factors considered by incoming college students in pursuing a career in the hospitality industry CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Our country suffers from crisis such as socioeconomic crisis, political crisis, and as well as financial crisis which is greatly affected by global economic crisis. Despite of this entire crisis Filipinos are imaginative, creative and courageous to surpass the obstacles in everyday life. Even though there are some companies affected by these crisis which they are force to decrease their employees called as recession and frankly my father is involved on this what we called recession some ;of them have job openings that offer new career opportunities to graduated college students. These job opening also offers a new challenge into their life a great responsibility lies to his hand that someday will helps his family to strive to achieve wealthiest that his acquired knowledge and skills when he engage into a job. And acted as one of the reinforcements in the industry that would further improved the depleting economy of the country. All of these come first from wishes and aspirations that arise during childhood years that someday he or she become a chef in a five star hotel, a doctor, an architect, a teacher, a policeman or an attorney to help those who seek needs, services and to help their family to ascend the poverty. According to Ginzberg and his associates during the fantasy period play gradually becomes work-oriented and reflects initial preferences...
Words: 7519 - Pages: 31
...This paper has focused on the Squire Hotel Group and how the application of EFQM model 2010 can be used to provide a framework for the enhancement of organizational performance. Various issues have been identified facing the Hotel group, including lack of a formal method of collecting information; the demand of beds by the tourists compared to the supply; competition and tight budgets set by the head office. It is evident that the application of the EFQM model, especially the nine criteria, will enable the company to overcome these issues and improve on its performance. This is based on the fact that some companies, especially in Europe, have made use of the model and have turned out to be successful. In order to be successful, the Squire Hotel Group should make sure that it offers proper training to the employees, develops constant enhancement processes; incorporates self assessment procedures into policy development and business planning cycles, and collects suitable data and employs it during the day to day management. However, some of the drawbacks faced during implementation encompass active commitment from senior management, development of novel skills in the organizational individuals, as well as efficient communication between the people and the management. Introduction The EFQM model 2010 is a non-rigid framework that is founded on nine principles. These criteria encompass leadership; strategy; people; partnership and resources; processes, products and services; customer...
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...Resource Practices In Hotel Industry Visit hrmba.blogspot.com allmbastuff.blogspot.com for more project reports, notes, presentations etc. INTRODUCTION TO HOTEL INDUSTRY One of the fastest growing sectors of the economy of our time is the hotel industry. The hotel industry alone is a multi-billion dollar and growing enterprise. It is exciting, never boring and offer unlimited opportunities. The hotel industry is diverse enough for people to work in different areas of interest and still be employed within the hotel industry. This trend is not just in India, but also globally. Modern hotels provide refined services to their guests. The customers or guests are always right. This principle necessitated application of management principles in the hotel industry and the hotel professionals realized the instrumentality of marketing principles in managing the hotel industry. The concept of total quality management is found getting an important place in the marketing management of hotels. The emerging positive trend in the tourism industry indicates that hotel industry is like a reservoir from where the foreign exchange flows. This naturally draws our attention on HOTEL MANAGEMENT. Like other industries, the hotel industry also needs to explore avenues for innovation, so that a fair blending of core and peripheral services is 1 Human Resource Practices In Hotel Industry made possible. It is not to be forgotten that the leading hotel companies of the world...
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...labour. The design of the established kitchen, first introduced into the UK in the latter half of the nineteenth century, grew up around the division of tasks into parties (comparable tasks with numerous foods were carried out by a particular group of people). This was the progress of the parties system. The rigid demarcation between the sections meant that the staffing ratio was high in comparison with the number of meals served. During the first half of the twentieth century there was little or no technical change in the kitchens of hotels and restaurants. Most managers and chefs had been trained in the old traditional methods which gave reasonably satisfactory results, and to them there seemed little reason to change. It is only during the last forty years that changes in the old traditional methods have evolved. These changes were slow to appear and started in the manufacturing industry rather than in the kitchens of hotels and restaurants. Technical research was done by the major firms of food suppliers and their products slowly became accepted by the catering industry, as skilled catering staff began to be in short supply. This was further optimistic by the rising costs of space that was necessary for a traditional kitchen. Traditional kitchen tasks were beginning to disappear at increasing speed. In 1966 the first cook-freeze operation in the UK began,...
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...2 Food and Beverage Operations Management 3 LO 1 Food and beverage production and service systems: 3 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1 The characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems 3 1.2 Factors affecting menus and recipes for specific systems 5 1.3. Comparison of the cost and staffing implications for different systems. 6 1.4. Justification of the systems' suitability for specific food and beverage outlets 7 LO2, The financial controls employed in food and beverage operations 8 2.1 The use of financial statements in food and beverage operations. 8 2.2 Demonstration of the cost and pricing progress 9 2.3 Analyze the purchasing process 10 The demand of equipment and supplies 11 LO3 Devising menus for hospitality events 12 3.1 Compiling food and beverage menus for hospitality event 12 3.2 Justification of the selection and suitability of recipes for menus 13 LO 4 Being capable of providing food and beverage services for hospitality events. 14 4.1 Planning food and beverage service for a hospitality event having a budget 14 4.2 Implementation of the planned service standards of quality and health, safety and security 15 4.3 Evaluation of the factors determining the success of the service and recommendations for improvement 15 4.31 Recommendations 16 5.0 Conclusion 16 6.0 References 18 Food and Beverage Operations Management LO 1 Food and beverage production...
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...everyday life Major contributor to the national economy Creates employment Promotes diversity through many different food concepts & cuisines An opportunity to enjoy the company of friends, family and colleagues Fulfils basic needs Food is a basic need for everyday life Self-service(the customer is required to collect their own drinks) The cafeteria(the beverage are included in the main counter line) Bar or counter service(this method is most commonly found in public house, hotel, restaurants) Room service(most commonly in hotel) The buffet(is usually waiter service, sometimes they may be on display on the buffet table) Take-away(food and drink has been prepared it is packed and served) Waiter service 2-Factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems are: Size of operation Objectives of the operation Quality of the operation Nature of the menu Quality of customers Budget of the customers Customer needs Availability of resources The others factors affecting menu and recipes for specific system are: size of the kitchen, customers satisfaction, price of items listed, management decisions- costs, availability of items, type of service, customers value, and demographic characteristics, food habits and preferences, flavour and appearance of dishes, nutritional value. Menu can be an excellent selling tool to supplement the suggestive selling of staff. Customer perceptions: keeping your customers happy can be harder than you think. Happy customers...
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...TT Spirits, LLC, a spirits company operating in Florida, is best known for producing alcoholic beverages in the southeast United States. TT Spirits, LLC, is constantly looking to diversify the portfolio and add new products to its line. The release of the highly anticipated onethirty was announced earlier this year. onethirty is the first high proof alcoholic beverage positioned to be acclaimed worldwide. The sleek bottle design, packaging and advertisements are all geared toward young emerging professionals. The launch of this product has raised many legal implications that TT Spirits will need to carefully consider. The successful promotion and decisions regarding onethirty are crucial to ensure the profitability and longevity of the new label. Background Information An alcoholic beverage’s “proof” is the percentage by volume of alcohol in a beverage and is calculated by doubling the percentage of alcohol in each beverage. The highest possible alcohol proof is 191.2. Any higher, the alcohol would be converted into an azeotrope with water. Typically, a beer ranges from 10 to 14 proof, a glass of wine can be from 18 to 25 proof and mixed drinks have an average proof of 80. The true problem lies with the uneducated drinkers; people who are unaware of the different proofs and amount of alcohol in each beverage. College students are often targeted as binge drinkers and alcoholics. This is because many students do not realize the short and long-term effects of alcohol...
Words: 3611 - Pages: 15
...A representation made by cutting across something. (Cross- Sectional Drawing) A drawing or diagram showing the proportions and relations of parts or details of a structure without a roof. (Plan) Quiz 2 1. Addresses the interactions among humans, tasks and total work environment in such a way that a safe and healthy working condition is provided for the workers. (ERGONOMICS)2. A government regulation formulated primarily to enhance mobility of physically-challenged persons by requiring institutions to install facilities and other devices that will assist these persons. (ACCESIBILITY LAW)3. The Chinese system for managing luck and good fortune by constructing buildings, and placing furnishings in hotels and restaurants in alignment with nature. (FENG SHUI)4 & 5.Guest rooms are best painted with ____ and _____ which are associated with tranquility and comfort. (BLUE and GREEN)6. Properly programmed _____ is...
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...tourist event. o The Romans. Key event: First roads were built. o Early Christianity. Key event: Pilgrimages and visits to holy places. o 17th and 18th centuries. Key event: Nobility went on Grand Tours. Trips for health reasons to spa towns and seaside resorts. Stagecoaches and coaching inns developed. o 19th century. Key event: Steam transport (boats and trains). First organized tours and excursions by Thomas Cook. Growth of hotels and resorts in Europe. Introduction to traveller’s cheques and hotel vouchers. Birth of mass tourism. o Post-World War II . Key event: Paid holidays. More disposable income. Rowth of holidy camps ( accomodation and entertainment). Package holidays. The invention of jet engine. B. FOUNDATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF VIETNAM’S TOURISM INDUSTRY o From 1960 to 1975 Key event: 09/07/1960: Vietnam Tourist Enterprise founded in the North (Only guests of the government were served; having no good conditions or potentials for tourism industry to develop; luxurious hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs were mainly in in the South). o From 1975 to 1989 Key event: - Late of 1975 to early of 1976: Tourists enterprises or agencies founded in many cities and provinces around the country. Tourists are mainly from the East of Europe and domestic tourists. - 23/01/1979: Vietnam National Administration of Tourism/ General Department of Tourism founded ( managing and doing business). - 19/07/1981: Vietnam has...
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