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Faith Bandler Rhetorical Analysis

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The Pillars of Rhetoric
Although it is the strong feelings that an individual displays about particular aspects of society that arouse interest in a speech, it the way that these are presented that allows a speech to transcend contextual bounds and continue to captivate audiences. Although he lived over 2000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle really knew what he was talking about when it came to the art of rhetoric. I know that it’s highly unlikely that you have read his 4th century BC treatise ‘Rhetoric’, unless you have a particular obsession for reading particularly old books written by particularly old men, but his division of persuasion into three categories remains relevant, as they continue to be manipulated and mastered by many orators today.
These three categories are ethos, the …show more content…
And in this article, I will walk you through the analysis of them.
But first, a brief history…
Faith Bandler’s oration was presented at the ‘Talkin’ Up Reconciliation Convention’ in Wollongong, August 1999. Bandler is an Australian activist who has lived an iconoclastic life, fighting for equality amongst all Australians. Similarly, former President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat was an advocate for peace in the Middle East, the purpose of his speech to announce and advocate his goal of attaining peace in the Middle East.
Both speakers display strong feelings and values towards the concepts of unity, equality and peace, and both discourses serve the purpose of uniting and inspiring nations to allow peace, unity and equality. These speeches possess a prevailing relevance because, amongst other reasons, the issues that they are discussing are still issues today, over a decade

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