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Recruiting A Family Law Attorney

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A family law attorney litigates cases that pertain to family issues such as divorce, custody, adoption, guardianship, and proving paternity. Each case is unique, so it is important to find the right lawyer for your case. A family law attorney typically spends his or her time meeting with clients, reviewing files, preparing documents, filing documents in court, interviewing witnesses, negotiating with opposing parties, and trying cases in court. Much of the work in a family law case comes before it ever gets to the courtroom.

If you are considering hiring a family law attorney, there are several factors to consider. The first one is what kind of experience you are seeking. Some attorneys handle mostly adoptions, and others do mostly divorces or specialize in mediation. You may be able to find out information online about a particular lawyer's experience, or you may be able to ask his or her receptionist about the lawyer's education and background. Some attorneys do general family practice and handle all types of cases. …show more content…
Most family law attorneys are listed in the phone book, but more and more lawyers are choosing to advertise mostly online. You may wish to ask friends, coworkers or family members if they have ever used an attorney for a family law matter and who they would recommend. If you have used a lawyer for another type of case, he or she may be able to provide a name and number of someone who can help

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