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Policy Summary: The Role Of Human Trafficking In Brazil

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Brazil is known for its wonderful coffee, their love for soccer, and its great beaches. But unfortunately, Brazil is a huge source for human trafficking. Children, women, and men are forced into sex and labor trafficking. It is a tier two country which means that they are not fully cooperative with the TVPA’s minimum standards, but they are making the efforts needed to comply with those standards. The children and the women are forced into sex trafficking both in the country and outside of the country, usually in neighboring countries, Western Europe, or they can go as far as Japan. Men and transgender are also forced into sex trafficking within the country, and abroad such as in Spain and Italy. The words, ‘trablho escravo’ means slave labor, and under Brazilian law is defined as “forced labor or labor performed during exhausting work day or in degrading working conditions” (Trafficking in Persons Report Brazil, 2014). According the United Nations, human trafficking is an international phenomenon that affects almost every country and is a relevant human rights human rights violation, so they put efforts into monitoring and researching it. The policy involves guiding the national policies formulation and stating that …show more content…
By investigating further, they can convict and punish those offenders involved in human trafficking, including all those involved with recruiting, moving and any party involved. They put more funding in helping victims post-trafficking by making shelters, specialized assistance, and have protection for the victims. They can change legislation and make the punishments harsher for the traffickers, ensuring that they cannot get away with paying fines or community service. They can also education their law enforcement on how to be able to detect human trafficking much easier, and be aware of it (Trafficking in Persons Report,

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